Pierre Henri
🇳🇱 Now that the totalitarian Dutch government learned they can effectively crack down on our farmers’ property rights, they’re coming after ordinary citizens next: An insane new Housing Act will allow municipalities to force homeowners to sell their homes ONLY to people with a lower to middle income. In other words, the government decides who you can sell your own home to and would force you to …More
🇳🇱 Now that the totalitarian Dutch government learned they can effectively crack down on our farmers’ property rights, they’re coming after ordinary citizens next: An insane new Housing Act will allow municipalities to force homeowners to sell their homes ONLY to people with a lower to middle income. In other words, the government decides who you can sell your own home to and would force you to accept a lower price than the market value, because a “marginalised group” would be making an offer. How can we even still say we have property rights, when this is our reality? We’re not “losing our rights” we’re straight up already living in a neo-feudal system. Wake the hell up, people.

Nieuwe wet laat gemeente meebeslissen aan wie huis wordt verkocht

Door de nieuwe Huisvestingswet van minister Hugo de Jonge mogen gemeenten huiseigenaren gaan dwingen hun woningen alleen nog te verkopen …
Reason is the European nitrogen concentration problem NOx. The Netherlands is overcrowded, so the industry, the cars, the house builders, the road builders and the farmers together produce too much noxious NOx per square meter. This forces the Netherlands to stop producing cows, cheese, steel, asphalt, concrete and more even to stop simply building new homes. For this reason homes become truly out …More
Reason is the European nitrogen concentration problem NOx. The Netherlands is overcrowded, so the industry, the cars, the house builders, the road builders and the farmers together produce too much noxious NOx per square meter. This forces the Netherlands to stop producing cows, cheese, steel, asphalt, concrete and more even to stop simply building new homes. For this reason homes become truly out of reach for middle income and lower. It is hard for starters on the home market and soon I believe it will become impossible to buy homes for starting families. House market is already like the drug market or the Mafia or the Mob.
Now they will force people with houses below 355.000 euros to sell their house not to the highest bidder.

I foresee that if you have a house of say 300.000 Euros and are not member of the 'poor' target group, you will never be able to buy a house back in the same price category.