
Stop discrimination against Christians – SIGN THE PETITION

Sign the Petition Here.
We call upon His Majesty’s Government to uphold freedom of religion and belief in the UK, and to disallow policies that seek to suppress religious belief and discriminate against Christians. We call upon the Government to uphold the right to free speech for all.

We have the following areas of concern:

(1) RHSE policy, supported by Ofsted, is increasingly being used in schools to implement an LGBT compliant curriculum, which normalises and embeds teaching contrary to Christian belief as set down in the Bible. This infringes freedom of religion (Schedule 1, Article 9 of the Human Rights Act 1998) and the right of parents to have children educated in line with their religious belief (Article 2 of Protocol 1 of the Human Rights Act 1998).

(2) The proposed Online Safety Bill, currently before Parliament, seeks to make social media firms responsible for policing ‘legal but harmful’ content. No definition is... Stop discrimination against Christians – SIGN THE PETITION – Voice for Justice

Mostly secularist politicians and the fake news leftwing marxist media descriminates against christians