The finding of the Cross: a legacy of St. Helen. CMC on May 20, 2016 May 3 The Finding of the Holy Cross (326) When God restored peace to His Church by exalting Constantine the Great to the imperial …More
The finding of the Cross: a legacy of St. Helen.
CMC on May 20, 2016 May 3 The Finding of the Holy Cross (326)
When God restored peace to His Church by exalting Constantine the Great to the imperial throne, that pious prince, who had triumphed over his enemies by the miraculous power of the Cross of Christ, was very desirous of expressing his veneration for the holy places which had been honored and sanctified by the presence and sufferings of our blessed Redeemer on earth. He accordingly resolved to build a magnificent church in the city of Jerusalem.
Saint Helen, the Emperor's mother, desiring to visit the holy places there, made a journey into Palestine in 326, though she was at that time near eighty years of age. On her arrival at Jerusalem she was inspired with a great desire to find the identical cross on which Christ had suffered for our sins, in order to build the proposed church on the site of Calvary. But there was no mark or tradition, even among the Christians, to show where …More
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The finding of the Cross: a legacy of St. Helen
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