
Despite Poverty-Ideology and Abuses-Hype: For Francis Greed, Lust Are “Least Serious” Sins

“Jesuits must not divide,” Francis told Mozambique Jesuits on September 5, although he himself exacerbated divisions as a Jesuit provincial and as a pope.

Asked about Protestants who lure people away from the Church by promising wealth, Francis distinguished between good Protestants [who convert nobody] and bad Protestants [who do]. He said that prosperity preachers “cannot be defined as Christian.” However, in January 2014 Francis addressed the prosperity preacher Kenneth Copeland in a video speaking about “brotherhood,” “unity” and “love”.

Then, Francis was fed with the “clericalism” slogan. He explained it as “rise and rule,” a path he himself followed.

He continued with the “rigidity” slogan, invoking young priests "all stiff in black cassocks" with "hats in the shape of the planet Saturn". Francis warned that behind this are “moral problems”.

However, he contradicted himself immediately by saying that "clericalists" focus on fighting sexual sins. It is further a fact, that “moral problems” started when priests took off their clerical attire to anonymously plunge into moral depravity.

But then, “moral problems” are not a big issue for Francis. He calls lust and greed “the least serious” sins, a "liberating" thought after a decade-long abuse hype.

Finally, Francis is fed with the "xenophobia" slogan. This inspires him to commend “crossbreeding”.


Well now, I guess I am better informed ! so much for Our Lady at Fatima who said more souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh. What does she know about spiritual things? She's not a member of some deep jungle pagan tribe. /sarc off/
See Our Lady's allocution of July 13, 1917More
Well now, I guess I am better informed ! so much for Our Lady at Fatima who said more souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh. What does she know about spiritual things? She's not a member of some deep jungle pagan tribe. /sarc off/

See Our Lady's allocution of July 13, 1917
Here are more Satururnos
Watch this........ No more than 70 Cardinals will ever be valid according to a Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V. (1586) He says that forever this ruling applies, and that If more than the number of 70 are ever at some point in the future elected, they be termed "Null and Void."
Neither Benedict, JPI, JPII and Francis are legally valid Cardinals. No-one will like to admit it, but Invalid Cardinals are …More
Watch this........ No more than 70 Cardinals will ever be valid according to a Papal Bull of Pope Sixtus V. (1586) He says that forever this ruling applies, and that If more than the number of 70 are ever at some point in the future elected, they be termed "Null and Void."

Neither Benedict, JPI, JPII and Francis are legally valid Cardinals. No-one will like to admit it, but Invalid Cardinals are not allowed to hold Conclaves, neither are they permitted to govern the Holy See, neither are they allowed to hold unholy Amazon Synods and ridicule the TRUE Church , the Lawful pronouncements of thousands of years of validly Ordained Popes who decree them to be "Anathema"

Where NOW is Christ's TRUE Priesthood? Those calling themselves "Sedevacantists" are proven by this Bull to be right! Ordaining Priests to Sacred Ministry when you are a "Null and Void " Cardinal or Bishops will not save either yourself OR Those to whom your profess friendship yet govern unwisely claiming to be law-abiding Catholics, yet you despise the words that the Holy Spirit gave to countless Popes. May God Bless His Church.


If all reading this study these encyclicals - the lights will come on in the World.


See also

