holyrope 3
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Lent & Lies. Lent & LiesPlus
Lent & Lies.
Lent & Lies
USCCB are New-Age heretics! These environmental rejects are nothing more than earth-worshipping pagans. Carbon emissions are the biggest of all environmentalist lies-Carbon Dioxide Emissions HELP THE ENVIRONMENT!-Carbon Dioxide makes plants grow on the earth and the earth could actually have 4 or more times as much carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere and the plants would absorb it and thrive! "…Plus
USCCB are New-Age heretics! These environmental rejects are nothing more than earth-worshipping pagans. Carbon emissions are the biggest of all environmentalist lies-Carbon Dioxide Emissions HELP THE ENVIRONMENT!-Carbon Dioxide makes plants grow on the earth and the earth could actually have 4 or more times as much carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere and the plants would absorb it and thrive! "Carbon Emissions" is a hoax propagated by Al Gore and he's become a billionaire by creating this scam. In 2002 Al Gore was worth a little over 2 million dollars. By his promoting his "Global Warming" and now since that did not explain the earth going into a natural ice age that happens every 10,000 years they're calling it "Climate Change".-Al Gore since 2002 went from 2 million dollars to estimated over a billion dollars today in less than 10 years. Al Gore heavily invested in companies creating products and carbon taxes to go along with his hoax and this is how he is making his fortune! Cap and trade will have all of Al Gores fake climate change legislation in it making our energy prices quadruple in price! Electricity,gas and every form of energy will skyrocket under this legislation causing not only energy but EVERYTHING we buy to go up because it takes gas to transport goods! The liberal conference of bishops are NOT practicing their Catholic faith and are in fact perpetrating a Communistic lie! What these so-called Catholic Bishops are emitting is not carbon and I would not want to post what it is on this Catholic website.
holyrope 3
Keep up the good work! ✍️