Pope Francis Begs Forgiveness on Canadian Soil currentsnews Monday was just the start of Pope Francis’ spiritually packed penitential trip. The first step of Pope Francis' "penitential pilgrimage" to …More
Pope Francis Begs Forgiveness on Canadian Soil currentsnews
Monday was just the start of Pope Francis’ spiritually packed penitential trip. The first step of Pope Francis' "penitential pilgrimage" to Canada involved him returning two pairs of children's moccasins.
Empty words without real actions yes a clown show.
How can we as the catholic church pretend to be in good standing with our moral conscience, saying to hold the correct morality and regarding ourselves as serious, if we do not pay back the damages we caused until the very last penny and pay also interest and also interest over interest and then also an indemnification. (Matthew 5:23-26) Not only …More
Empty words without real actions yes a clown show.
How can we as the catholic church pretend to be in good standing with our moral conscience, saying to hold the correct morality and regarding ourselves as serious, if we do not pay back the damages we caused until the very last penny and pay also interest and also interest over interest and then also an indemnification. (Matthew 5:23-26) Not only in Canada but also Ireland and even in the Netherlands and Germany where the church recently in the fifties and sixties went on a raping spree, kill off tens of thousands heretics against the church in the 16th century. Further name all the countries that the church looted starting with Latin America. But before we indemnify we must ask the receiver of the indemnification. Listen and please say out loud if you agree with this and attain to the consequences.

repeat with me: Your church and your god has only taken from me. It has eradicated my identity and my dignity. This church has been of no use to me ever and I believe it can't and it will never be of use. Just give me the money and leave me alone.

While the world does not want to see that the catholic church also gives much to the world, and most people are simply said greedy. They will take every opportunity to get whatever they can get, to buy some cigarettes or go out for dinner. So they will nearly all say the above in blue and then we will have to pay them the indemnisations. After that, we have money nor churches left, there will be no monasteries nor any other property or artwork. But we gained dignity for ourselves because we can again regard ourselves as serious. Even so we will not have gained any credibility with the world, because their purpose is to destroy the church. We will be left with just the right people who agree with those actions and will restore the church in no time.
Alex A
Away with your blithering nonsense. Go somewhere else to pedal your rubbish and whilst doing so, thank the people that lifted you out from the stone-age, by education and example.
Hahahaha. What chord did I hit? I see so many stupidities here, and nobody is ever being criticized for that, unless it is a personal attack or if it is very immoral. Of course.. what I say above is impossible to do and will lead to the total destruction of the Catholic Church. Because even so I did see many Jesus sayings being very very true, I yet have to see the fruits of the other cheek. In this …More
Hahahaha. What chord did I hit? I see so many stupidities here, and nobody is ever being criticized for that, unless it is a personal attack or if it is very immoral. Of course.. what I say above is impossible to do and will lead to the total destruction of the Catholic Church. Because even so I did see many Jesus sayings being very very true, I yet have to see the fruits of the other cheek. In this society if you turn the other cheek they will brace themselves to knock you out. I believe that is not because the other cheek philosophy is wrong persé, but because the people of this society are all corrupt, proud and selfish. Thank you for lifting me up from the stone age. But I fear there was more solidarity then, but alas there was no love your enemy feelings. But is there now? I fear we don't love our own, and we do not love our enemies. We are so full of ourselves. We love ourselves
Paul Mclenson
Another trick of Satan's! We should be reconciling with GOD!!!