Marula, la dea dell’equilibrio ipnotizza i giudici. Marula Eugster Rigolo asks everyone to hold their breath as she enacts the most poetic performance ever: 13 palm branches stay in perfect balance …More
Marula, la dea dell’equilibrio ipnotizza i giudici.

Marula Eugster Rigolo asks everyone to hold their breath as she enacts the most poetic performance ever: 13 palm branches stay in perfect balance thanks to one single feather. An incredible and magic moment that left our judges speechless.
Jesus used strong words when He was condemning the Jews.
Quote Him, then. I asked Matty and he wouldn't. Let's see if you can do better. Since I can't reply on Matty's comment, I'll reply here.
Anti-Semites love quoting 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 as a "superficial" justification of their hatred. A detailed examination of the passage contradicts this view.
"Jesus was a Jew you moron" -- Strong suspicion
"Suspicion …More
Quote Him, then. I asked Matty and he wouldn't. Let's see if you can do better. Since I can't reply on Matty's comment, I'll reply here.

Anti-Semites love quoting 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 as a "superficial" justification of their hatred. A detailed examination of the passage contradicts this view.


"Jesus was a Jew you moron" -- Strong suspicion

"Suspicion" only from a Nigerian trouble-maker who doesn't even really care.

You're not fooling anyone, mumu.

You enjoy stirring up arguments even when you clearly don't know anything about the subject.

All you want is to get a reply, preferably an annoyed reply. You get your amusement that way and for a "Catholic" your behavior is despicable. Matty might be stupid and crazy, but at least he believes in his craziness.

You do not. You loiter about trying to provoke a reaction. It's the same behavior seen in sadistic little boys who torment animals. Maybe that sort of thing is acceptable in your third-world dungheap of a country.

I'm not surprised. Where you live, dog-fighting is still common-place and the losing animal is sold to the audience for snacks along with grilled monkeys and rats.

So I'm not surprised you still act like a sadistict savage. But if you're going to post on a Catholic board with civilized people,, at least try to act like one, even if you have to work at it.

In the interests of history, Yes. Jesus was a Jew. It's incontestable.



Jesus was born of a Jewish mother. By Jewish tradition, that makes Him Jewish.

He was presented in the Jewish temple, circumcised as a Jew, and subsequently raised as one.


There is no "strong suspicion" except that you've been eating too much diseased bush-meat again.
Proverbs 24:9
The thought of a fool is sin: and the detracter is the abomination of men.
Calm down... You need a tranquilizer.
If you recover from your convulsion, I'll teach you about my Country -- you'll learn from the right source :)
I guess that means you won't be backing Matty's Gospel claims. Didn't think so.
And we're done with 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 along with Jesus' Jewishness,
...which leaves us with truly a important Catholic subject: Nigeria's fascinating culture, rich heritage, and exotic dining.
That's okay, Pattfm. If I ever visit Nigeria as part of an Ebola containment effort, I'll be sure to let you know.
You …More
I guess that means you won't be backing Matty's Gospel claims. Didn't think so.

And we're done with 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 along with Jesus' Jewishness,

...which leaves us with truly a important Catholic subject: Nigeria's fascinating culture, rich heritage, and exotic dining.

That's okay, Pattfm. If I ever visit Nigeria as part of an Ebola containment effort, I'll be sure to let you know.

You can tell me all about eating grilled locusts after we're done decontaminating your village.
You guess too much.
Your reasoning is very myopic. So that is what you learnt online? :)
A prayer made in bad faith means nothing, Matty.
Even now, you're still slipping in another deceit about "honesty". I've been entirely honest with you. That's why I can beat you so effectively. I'm working from a position of strength. You, by contrast, have not. Bringing us to this:
"Do you enjoying lying to yourself?"
That's a question you should seriously ask yourself. Really.
You've gone …More
A prayer made in bad faith means nothing, Matty.

Even now, you're still slipping in another deceit about "honesty". I've been entirely honest with you. That's why I can beat you so effectively. I'm working from a position of strength. You, by contrast, have not. Bringing us to this:

"Do you enjoying lying to yourself?"

That's a question you should seriously ask yourself. Really.

You've gone from debating with me to trying to "sway the audience" the way that ranting nutcase Thor does. If you privately recognize your argument failed on the facts, trying to con people won't make it true. That reminds me, Thor's like you, now. :P He "doesn't want to be contacted." Achievement Unlocked! Sore-Loser Ostrich!

...and just like you, he replies every time.

If you're going to pick a debating role-model at least pick a good one. Me, for example. I'm awesome! :-)

Okay, if you won't learn from my debating style then follow St Cuthbert Mayne . He pushes Thor around just as easily and with considerable literary flair. Understandble since he's English. So why copy-cat another loser and his loser-technique?

Nice back-edit on your post, btw. And you're still wrong.

An ad hominem fallacy applies only if a personal attack is tendered in lieu of a valid rebuttal. I wouldn't dream of missing a chance to beat you intellectually or factually.

You really must look these things up, you poor dear. ;-)

"Only a wicked faggot would refuse to answer this basic question."

Two mistakes here, Matty. You tried "improving" your reply and only made it worse! Poetic justice.

First, "only a wicked faggot would" is a No True Scottsman fallacy. There are many people who would refuse "this basic question". You would refuse, for example, if "a Jew" demanded any information of you, especially if he did so insultingly... say... "Only stupid goyim would refuse to answer this basic question because I am one of God's Chosen People."

Whoo-boy. You'd refuse, all right... wouldn't you, Tex? With none of the panache I display.

Second, Argumentum Ad Nauseam (arguing from repetition) since you've pulled this "basic question" nonsense before. Unintentional irony since you're complaining "Must be on spin cycle now."

Yeah, obviously you must be. Even your attempts at wit fail :P

I've already explained why I refuse to answer "this basic question". Simply put, you are rude, obnoxious and you presume an authority that is not yours. You demand nothing.

Putting it bluntly, I wouldn't give you the time of day when you angrily demand it the way you've been doing.

Where did all the anger comes from, Matty? You feel like you got cheated out of a shot at college? Is that it?

Well, the hard and ugly truth is... you didn't. You just weren't good enough. That isn't me gloating. I've met "political" guys like you before... ones with your kind of anger. One day you wake up and realize you're far behind. Then you blame everyone else who made it.

The black kids got athletic scholarships because they were good at playing sports, the Jewish kids got academic scholarships because they were good at studying.

And you got neither scholarship because you spent high school working on your truck and cheering some bull rider.

This is the pay-off and you have nobody to blame but yourself. It's too late to play catch-up.

Ain't happening. ;-)
@Ultraviolet Just let it go and move on with your life. Hopefully to being honest, because you're a very dishonest person and I pray God helps you.
"Where did Christ say that those who reject him (ie jews) can go to heaven? "
I never made that claim. If so, then quote me. ;-) If you can't quote Jesus, ...and you obviously can't, then at least quote me.All my words are in full view of all, Nothing hidden.
Direct quote from me, word for word, in bold.
Nothing left out, nothing added in, quotation marks front and back. You say I said it, so …More
"Where did Christ say that those who reject him (ie jews) can go to heaven? "

I never made that claim. If so, then quote me. ;-) If you can't quote Jesus, ...and you obviously can't, then at least quote me.All my words are in full view of all, Nothing hidden.

Direct quote from me, word for word, in bold.

Nothing left out, nothing added in, quotation marks front and back. You say I said it, so why can't you quote me directly? . :D

You wouldn't know a "red herring" if one swam up and bit your argument on the backside. Interestingly, this is a red-herring from you! :P Don't describe informal fallacies you don't understand, dummy. You never went to college, did you? ;-)

I mean, I was debating competitively back in high school but logic does get covered at some point in the "average-level" college curriculum.

"You nailed your coffin shut" is your way of saying you won't support any of your claims with quotes. Not about what Jesus said, not about what I said. That's what "Ain't happening".

Stick to line-dancing, pardnah. Real debating is beyond you.
@Ultraviolet Oh look at that, more red herrings and ad hominem fallacies. Must be on spin cycle now. You've nailed your coffin shut and you're trying to worm your way out like the lying deceptive serpent you are. Ain't happening. Where did Christ say that those who reject him (ie jews) can go to heaven? Also, what gender are you? Only a wicked faggot would refuse to answer this basic question. Do …More
@Ultraviolet Oh look at that, more red herrings and ad hominem fallacies. Must be on spin cycle now. You've nailed your coffin shut and you're trying to worm your way out like the lying deceptive serpent you are. Ain't happening. Where did Christ say that those who reject him (ie jews) can go to heaven? Also, what gender are you? Only a wicked faggot would refuse to answer this basic question. Do you enjoying lying to yourself just like the Christ hating jews do?
"you say Christ did not condem the jews."
He didn't. Neither as a race nor as a religion.
A rejection based on disbelief is universal, regardless of race or religion. It may apply to "the Jews" but also applies to the Buddhists and the Muslims and the Hindus.
But those religious groups aren't part of your anti-Semitic obsession, are they Matty? ;-)
You made a different claim, however. "ChristMore
"you say Christ did not condem the jews."

He didn't. Neither as a race nor as a religion.

A rejection based on disbelief is universal, regardless of race or religion. It may apply to "the Jews" but also applies to the Buddhists and the Muslims and the Hindus.

But those religious groups aren't part of your anti-Semitic obsession, are they Matty? ;-)

You made a different claim, however. "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews.".

I've been asking you to quote Jesus where He did so for two days now.

Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold.

Show where Christ condemned the jews, Show where He condemned "Jews" as a race or as a religion.

You haven't, you can't, and you won't because Jesus isn't a stupid bigot obsessed with Jews, like you. All you're doing is repeating the same argument from last night.

Maybe you already forgot. I suggest regular supplements of Ginko Biloba to mitigate the symptoms of your Alzheimer's. :D

A regular glass of prune juice should alleviate the root cause of your anger against Jews and the world in general. :P

"The jews said his blood be on their children."

Naturally derpy anti-Semites just LOVE taking that at face value. Again, you display your ignorance.


Of particular note: Refutation from Pope Benedict XVI

"When in Matthew's account the "whole people" say: "His blood be upon us and on our children" (27:25), the Christian will remember that Jesus' blood speaks a different language from the blood of Abel (Heb 12:24): it does not cry out for vengeance and punishment; it brings reconciliation. It is not poured out against anyone; it is poured out for many, for all."

Simply put, guilt does not work like that. Even if a person chooses to take a very Old Testamen view of sin via Exodus 34:7, the "third and fourth generations" of those Jews are at least a millinium past.

Conversely, the Jews also say they're God's Chosen People.

Why aren't you quoting "the jews" on that claim, are you Matty? Funny thing. Like usual, you pick and choose your "jews".

Either way, you don't know what you're talking about as usual.

Keep them shooting blanks, Tex. :P
@Ultraviolet you say Christ did not condem the jews. Where did Christ say those who reject him can go to heaven? FYI: The jews said his blood be on their children. Youve nailed your coffin shut. 😊
"supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him."
I did not make that claim. @mattsixteen24 This is your new gimmick, isn't it? An outright lie.
No? Then quote me. ;-) If you can't quote Jesus, ...and you obviously can't, then at least quote me.All my words are in full view of all, Nothing hidden.
Direct quote from me, word for word, in bold. Nothing left out, nothing …More
"supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him."

I did not make that claim. @mattsixteen24 This is your new gimmick, isn't it? An outright lie.

No? Then quote me. ;-) If you can't quote Jesus, ...and you obviously can't, then at least quote me.All my words are in full view of all, Nothing hidden.

Direct quote from me, word for word, in bold. Nothing left out, nothing added in, quotation marks front and backPut up or shut up, Matty. :D

You made the claim and you can't back it up. You're a liar. You always have been a liar and you're lying now.

All the rest of your garbage about my gender is the same-old, same-old.

"Why are you so afraid to admit what gender you are?"

Faulty conclusion. When I refuse to indulge the demands made by a rude obnoxious redneck, it has nothing to do with fear. It has everything to do with contempt.

I wouldn't give you the time of day if you demanded it. You have no agency much less any right, to demand anything. You're a nothing.

"Why do you hide basic information like this?"

Hiding implies concealment. I've never hidden any "basic information". I just refuse to supply it to a rude Texan when he demands it. Further, when I don't particularly like someone, I'm not inclined to give them anything.

Imagine a Jew asking you for anything. Better still, imagine a "pushy" Jew demanding you give him information. Are you going to dance when he snaps his fingers? No? Fancy that.

You see?. It's really quite simple.
"supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him." -- @mattsixteen24
"I did not make that claim." --@Ultraviolet
Thank you.
"supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him." -- @mattsixteen24

"I did not make that claim." --@Ultraviolet

Thank you.
If you want to start fighting Matty's battles for him, I'm fine with that.
If you can't come up with what Matty said, that is, more correctly what Matty said I said you're going to look awfully stupid, Pattfm
Seriously, why throw your saddle on a broken-down old mare like Matty? Even if you're both Jew-haters, Matty still puts you at a disadvantage.
I learned a long time ago, that it's a dangerous …More
If you want to start fighting Matty's battles for him, I'm fine with that.

If you can't come up with what Matty said, that is, more correctly what Matty said I said you're going to look awfully stupid, Pattfm

Seriously, why throw your saddle on a broken-down old mare like Matty? Even if you're both Jew-haters, Matty still puts you at a disadvantage.

I learned a long time ago, that it's a dangerous game to try argue on behalf of a stupid buddy because you're always starting with his mistakes.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people: that you may declare his virtues, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
Truth does not contradict truth.
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought your "thank you" meant you'd somehow found the big quote Matty lied about it.
What I asked for: Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold.
Direct quote from Jesus supporting @mattsixteen24's claim: "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews.".
What do I get? 1 Peter 2:9
Does that look like a Gospel reference to you? ... and …More
Oh, I'm sorry. I thought your "thank you" meant you'd somehow found the big quote Matty lied about it.

What I asked for: Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold.

Direct quote from Jesus supporting @mattsixteen24's claim: "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews.".

What do I get? 1 Peter 2:9

Does that look like a Gospel reference to you? ... and this from the guy who was asking "what are the 4 Gospels?"

I'm beginning to wonder if it was a rhetorical question or you really don't know. I hate to say it, you're disappointing me, @Pattfm
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you.
If that is the food you need, I must first teach you how to eat it.More
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you.

If that is the food you need, I must first teach you how to eat it.
That's nice. We're getting closer. Did Jesus mention "the Jews" as a race or a religion, the way Matty claimed?
No? Also worth remembering here, Pattfm. Metaphors subject to your muddled interpretations aren't enough.
Remember what you're trying to prove here. Your pal Matty said: Christ was "very clear" about this supposed "condemnation of the Jews" (both quotes directly from him).
Did Jesus even …More
That's nice. We're getting closer. Did Jesus mention "the Jews" as a race or a religion, the way Matty claimed?

No? Also worth remembering here, Pattfm. Metaphors subject to your muddled interpretations aren't enough.

Remember what you're trying to prove here. Your pal Matty said: Christ was "very clear" about this supposed "condemnation of the Jews" (both quotes directly from him).

Did Jesus even USE the word "Jew" or the word "Jews" at all in the passage you quoted?

Didn't think so.
I gave you an assignment. I promise to start from the Old Testament for Christ spoke with the mouth of the prophets.
You seem to suffer from @mattsixteen24's delusions of authority.
You're not a professor and I'm not your student.
If you take it upon yourself to support his lies, that's on you. Then you must prove on his claims.
The burden of proof is on him and on you. Matty's good at telling lies and you're good at random quotes from Scripture but neither of you are good at supporting his claims.
Quote me …More
You seem to suffer from @mattsixteen24's delusions of authority.

You're not a professor and I'm not your student.

If you take it upon yourself to support his lies, that's on you. Then you must prove on his claims.

The burden of proof is on him and on you. Matty's good at telling lies and you're good at random quotes from Scripture but neither of you are good at supporting his claims.

Quote me where I made the claim Matty said I did.

Quote Jesus where He was "very clear" and condemned "the Jews" the way Matty said He did.

Everything else from you is a diversion and a distraction from the truth.

The truth is you're both full of it and "it" stinks like every lie stinks.
The devil fell because of pride; which bears the form of narcissism in you.
Is that a direct quote from me, supporting Matty's claim about what I supposedly said?
Is that a direct Gosepl quote from Jesus, supporting Matty's other claim about Jesus being "very clear" and condeming "the Jews"?
Jews as a race? Jews as a religion? Is it relevant at all?
Is that a direct quote from me, supporting Matty's claim about what I supposedly said?


Is that a direct Gosepl quote from Jesus, supporting Matty's other claim about Jesus being "very clear" and condeming "the Jews"?

Jews as a race? Jews as a religion? Is it relevant at all?

@Ultraviolet and I ask for Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him. -- @mattsixteen24
On a side note, since I just saw your edited comment. How selective your criticisms are. Not a single peep out of you about Matty's endless abuse.
Christ wasn't to fond of hypocrites and I can understand why.
Protip: I'm not a narcissist. I just know what I'm talking about and see no reason to humour Matty's lies or your lame irrelevancies.
You brought this on yourself stepping up for @mattsixteen24More
On a side note, since I just saw your edited comment. How selective your criticisms are. Not a single peep out of you about Matty's endless abuse.

Christ wasn't to fond of hypocrites and I can understand why.

Protip: I'm not a narcissist. I just know what I'm talking about and see no reason to humour Matty's lies or your lame irrelevancies.

You brought this on yourself stepping up for @mattsixteen24's lies.

That's another interesting thing. Why don't they bother you, @Pattfm ?

Now there's an interesting subject worth discussing from a religious perspective. Why do you give an abusive liar a free pass? Condoing his lies with your support and your silence?
Well if you want to be a Catholic, you must be willing to subject yourself under your instructor.
You're not my instructor. You're just some random flake on par with Matty. I'm beginning to understand why the two of you share his hatred of Jews.
You're both so far gone it isn't even funny.
Now about this:
@Ultraviolet and I ask for Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him. -- @mattsixteen24
..and I repeat. I did …More
You're not my instructor. You're just some random flake on par with Matty. I'm beginning to understand why the two of you share his hatred of Jews.

You're both so far gone it isn't even funny.

Now about this:

@Ultraviolet and I ask for Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him. -- @mattsixteen24

..and I repeat. I did not make that claim. If you believe otherwise and YOU just quoted it, Pattfm then prove it.

Put up or shut up. If you can't find a quote from Jesus backing up Matty's lie about what He said, concede.

Let's see how you do with backing up Matty's lie about me.

You're looking for "my" claim that supposedly Jesus did not condemn those who reject him. That's what Matty said. That's what YOU requoted. And you both lie because you're both delusional. bigots and the truth has no place anywhere in your mental framework. You disagree?

Direct quote from me, word for word, in bold. Nothing left out, nothing added in, quotation marks front and back.
Thou/You/Ye, are they the same to you?
I need to understand the nature of your malady.
What you need to do is either deliver on Matty's claims since you're wiping his backside for him or go watch Der Triumph des Willens again for the fourth time this year.
Sirach 22:7
He that teacheth a fool, is like one that glueth a potsherd together.
Yeah, that's cute. Go practice your English somewhere else. That's all you're obviously doing at this point.
You seem to call everything English. I guess fb has an api for devs.
@Ultraviolet and I ask for Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him. I also ask what gender you are. Why are you so afraid to admit what gender you are? Why do you hide basic information like this? Do you want to be a pervert your whole life and then go to hell? Gloria.tv should make a new requirement that you must enter …More
@Ultraviolet and I ask for Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold supporting your claim that Jesus did not condemn those who reject him. I also ask what gender you are. Why are you so afraid to admit what gender you are? Why do you hide basic information like this? Do you want to be a pervert your whole life and then go to hell? Gloria.tv should make a new requirement that you must enter in your gender when signing up for this website so we don't have these weird gender neutral people who defend the antichrist mafia.
What I asked for: Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold.
Supporting your claim: "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews."
What I got: You asking me to support a claim I never made. Why? Because YOU can't support YOUR claim about Christ using the Gospels..
You asking me what gender I am. Why? Because you have a dirty mind like so many anti-Semites …More
What I asked for: Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold.

Supporting your claim: "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews."

What I got: You asking me to support a claim I never made. Why? Because YOU can't support YOUR claim about Christ using the Gospels..

You asking me what gender I am. Why? Because you have a dirty mind like so many anti-Semites do.In your case, it's part of a larger illness, but it has well-defined symptoms.

I even predicted this point by point: "You're going to hem and haw, call me names, ask what's going on in my pants," "What you won't do is stand by what you said -like a man."

...and here we are, just as expected. Everything's bigger in Texas, including the stupidity and the lies.

You blew it, mattsixteen24 Just like you always do.
I will... but before I do (starting even from the prophecies of the Old Testament), what are the 4 Gospels?
Galatians 3:16
To Abraham were the promises made and to his seed. He saith not, And to his seeds, as of many: but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
Bombing every comment thread with the same remark isn't helping, Pattfm. If you can't follow the mess Lil'Matty turned this thread into, I can't blame you. Feel free to tack your replies onto whatever my top comment is.
As I said before, I'll save you a great deal of cut-n-paste of Antisemite.net Just stick with the four gospels. Jesus' own words only. Show where Christ condemned the jews, Show …More
Bombing every comment thread with the same remark isn't helping, Pattfm. If you can't follow the mess Lil'Matty turned this thread into, I can't blame you. Feel free to tack your replies onto whatever my top comment is.

As I said before, I'll save you a great deal of cut-n-paste of Antisemite.net Just stick with the four gospels. Jesus' own words only. Show where Christ condemned the jews, Show where He condemned Jews as a race or as a religion.
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen generation, a kingly priesthood, a holy nation, a purchased people: that you may declare his virtues, who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:
What I asked for: Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold.
Direct quote from Jesus supporting @mattsixteen24's claim: "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews.".
What do I get? 1 Peter 2:9
Does that look like a Gospel reference to you? ... and this from the guy who was asking "what are the 4 Gospels?"
I'm beginning to wonder if it was a rhetorical …More
What I asked for: Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold.

Direct quote from Jesus supporting @mattsixteen24's claim: "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews.".

What do I get? 1 Peter 2:9

Does that look like a Gospel reference to you? ... and this from the guy who was asking "what are the 4 Gospels?"

I'm beginning to wonder if it was a rhetorical question or you really don't know. I hate to say it, you're disappointing me, @Pattfm
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you.
If that is the food you need, I must first teach you how to eat it.More
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you.

If that is the food you need, I must first teach you how to eat it.
Skip the metaphors about "food". You don't need to "teach" me anything. What you need to do is either put up or shut up, just like Matty.
If you want to clean up after Matty, then deliver on his claim. Nothing more, nothing less.More
Skip the metaphors about "food". You don't need to "teach" me anything. What you need to do is either put up or shut up, just like Matty.

If you want to clean up after Matty, then deliver on his claim. Nothing more, nothing less.
'You don't need to "teach" me anything.' -- @Ultraviolet
Then get out :)
@St Cuthbert Mayne no, we aren't. I'm not a Benevacantist like Thor and both those users dont text like me.
@Ultraviolet should consider your point because you 'have identified three here' and 'strongly suspect' ... but I hope you are not trying to say that Ultra is slow in understanding.
Battle: Strong suspicion vs Ultra
Peace: Strong suspicion + Ultra
It's either you are the moron and Ultra not, or the converse. So if you define freak as a moron... but if you define freak as smart, enthusiastic...
@Ultraviolet Show me where Christ said those who don't follow him can be admitted into heaven. 🧐 While you're at it, please do tell us what real gender you are. Don't lie. I think it will help you on your path to becoming normal.
"If you reject Christ, he rejects you."
A personal rejection is not based on race or religion. You claimed differently.
Namely: "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews."
Again, show where Christ condemned the jews, Show where He condemned Jews as a race or as a religion.
"I've already quoted where Christ condemned the jews."
Try again, Matty. Without …More
"If you reject Christ, he rejects you."

A personal rejection is not based on race or religion. You claimed differently.

Namely: "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews."

Again, show where Christ condemned the jews, Show where He condemned Jews as a race or as a religion.

"I've already quoted where Christ condemned the jews."

Try again, Matty. Without the lies this time.I'll even make it simple for you. Start your next reply with it. Like this:

Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated In Bold.

Then quote the passage directly, italics optional. Anything less, anything else and you're "done".

Put up or shut up, Matty! :D You should welcome the chance.!

Here's your big opportunity to expose "the Jews"! Here's your big moment to "share the truth!" !

Honestly, with an incentive like that, what's stopping you? ;-)

Or are you going to just fall back on that quote about lying spirits? :p

The only "lying mouth" around here is the one claiming Christ was "very clear" about "condemnation of the jews"

The Jews, Matty. Surely you know who they are! :D They're defined by race or religion. Show where Christ condemned them for being Jewish or practicing Judaism.

"I've quoted the Saints, the Popes, the doctors of the Church."

...all of which are mortal and prone to error. Technically it's a fallacious appeal to authority. They would be relevant only if someone was contesting they didn't say "x".

Besides, you cherry-pick your quotes and ignore everything else, including Christ Himself. Which brings us right back to where we should be, you 'n me. ;-)

Quote Jesus. Directly.
Don't just say you did and talk about Pattfm. That's a deflection.

"Show me where Christ says that those who reject him (ie jews) can go to heaven."

Since I didn't make that claim, I'm not obligated to show proof for it. ;-) Sloppy, Matty. Very sloppy.

You however said, "Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews."

If Christ was very clear then you should have no trouble quoting Him, now should you?

"You can shut that lying mouth of yours now. You're done."

Oh, I'm just getting started here, pilgrim. :D

You have a nasty habit of doing this. The last time it was Jesus condemned "talmudic Jews" when the talmud hadn't even been compiled yet. Now it's Christ was very clear about condemning the Jews when He did no such thing.

I'm "done" when you can quote Him directly and remember... Not just any quote. He must be "very clear" and condemn "the Jews". either for being ethnically Jewish or practicing Judaism as a religion

If you can't then you're done. Most likely you won't be.You? Never. You're going to hem and haw, call me names, ask what's going on in my pants, point to what Saint So and So said, what Henry Ford said, what Pattfm said, and so on.

What you won't do is stand by what you said -like a man.

You are a man, aren't you Matty? A Texan, no less? *stifled laughter* The kind of Texan who "rides, shoots straight and speaks the truth"? Then prove it.

If you can't, then you're just another reason why people north of the Mason-Dixon Line laugh at "dumb rednecks"...

Let's find out. If your reply doesn't begin with Gospel Book, Chapter: Verses-Hyphenated in Bold, then you're not just done, you're a damn fool. Or a "damned fool". Probably both in your case.

...and a liar. Can't ever forget that. ;-)
I will... but before I do (starting even from the prophecies of the Old Testament), what are the 4 Gospels?
Galatians 3:16
To Abraham were the promises made and to his seed. He saith not, And to his seeds, as of many: but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
This should be entertaining.
"what are the 4 Gospels?"
If you need that answered, you're on the wrong site. I'll save you a great deal of cut-n-paste of Antisemite.net Just stick with the four gospels. Jesus' own words only.
Show where He condemned Jews as a race or as a religion. . .More
This should be entertaining.

"what are the 4 Gospels?"

If you need that answered, you're on the wrong site. I'll save you a great deal of cut-n-paste of Antisemite.net Just stick with the four gospels. Jesus' own words only.

Show where He condemned Jews as a race or as a religion. . .
@Ultraviolet If you reject Christ, he rejects you.... I've already quoted where Christ condemned the jews. Like many times. Pattfm just did earlier. I've quoted the Saints, the Popes, the doctors of the Church. Even the jews themselves. Show me where Christ says that those who reject him (ie jews) can go to heaven. You can shut that lying mouth of yours now. You're done. 🧐 You lose with jews. 🤗
"Jews are condemned by very fact of their rejection of Christ."
That is NOT what I asked for, @mattsixteen24 . :D
Quote Jesus directly from the Gospels.
Quote where He condemns a.) all Jews. b.)the Jewish race c.) the Jewish religion.
Put up or shut up. :D
"You have no argument."
At this point, I'm still demanding you factually support your premise. And you're obviously unable or unwilling …More
"Jews are condemned by very fact of their rejection of Christ."

That is NOT what I asked for, @mattsixteen24 . :D

Quote Jesus directly from the Gospels.
Quote where He condemns a.) all Jews. b.)the Jewish race c.) the Jewish religion.

Put up or shut up. :D

"You have no argument."

At this point, I'm still demanding you factually support your premise. And you're obviously unable or unwilling to do so.

"because I expose the jews for the liars they are."

..and I expose YOU for the liar you are.

It isn't especially difficult, either. If there's any baseless slandering attacks, those always come from you when you a.) run out of material b.) get butthurt c.) your creepy curiosity overwhelms you once again about what's hiding in my underwear.

"(You) try to prohibit those from speaking truth about their wickedness."

Except I don't. I refute your falsehoods which is something entirely different. If your "truth" was genuine, it wouldn't be so easily disproven.

"You resort to jew tactics which makes you a judaizer"

Go read the wikipedia articl on what a "Judaizer" actually is.


I linked it for your educational benefit, dimwit. :p

When did factually disproving falsehood become a "jew tactic"?

Ah, that's right. It spoils Poor Lil' Matty's preachin'. You don't like getting fact-checked and everything you doesn't like is automatically "jewish", including facts that show your nonsense for what it truly is.

"...because lying is a jewish custom."

:D :D :D If that's the case, you are the biggest "Jew" on GTV. All you do is lie. You lie about me, you lie about Christ, you lie about "talmud" newspapers that were actually run by other anti-Semites, that's all you do. Lie and lie some more.

...and I'm still waiting on those quotes from Christ. That's a lie that I'm not going to ignore.This one:

"Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews."

So let's see it. Quote the Gospels where Christ was "very clear" about his "condemnation of the Jews."

Your words, your claim, Put up or shut up, Matty.

Gospel quotes or admit you lied.
I will... but before I do (starting even from the prophecies of the Old Testament), what are the 4 Gospels?
Galatians 3:16
To Abraham were the promises made and to his seed. He saith not, And to his seeds, as of many: but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
@Ultraviolet Jews are condemned by very fact of their rejection of Christ. You have no argument. All you really have is your baseless Marxist slandering attacks because I expose the jews for the liars they are. Again, you like the jews try to prohibit those from speaking truth about their wickedness. You resort to jew tactics which makes you a judaizer because lying is a jewish custom.
Nah, I'm not "trying to deconstruct the meaning". I'm simply pointing out your usage is wrong and designed to mislead. If being correct and pointing out error is "jewish" it's easy to understand why you despise "jews" so much.
"It is a deceptive pernicious judaizer who relentlessly obfuscates the truth."
Case in point: "Judaizers" are Christians who teach it is necessary to adopt Jewish customs …More
Nah, I'm not "trying to deconstruct the meaning". I'm simply pointing out your usage is wrong and designed to mislead. If being correct and pointing out error is "jewish" it's easy to understand why you despise "jews" so much.

"It is a deceptive pernicious judaizer who relentlessly obfuscates the truth."

Case in point: "Judaizers" are Christians who teach it is necessary to adopt Jewish customs and practices, especially those found in the Law of Moses.


I haven't done that. Another one of your lies. ...and then you complain about "obfuscating the truth".

You have no conception of "truth".

"Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews."

Were they now? Christ was? You've repeated this lie before.

Same challenge from me. Prove it. Quote Jesus directly from the Gospels. Quote where He condemns a.) all Jews. b.)the Jewish race c.) the Jewish religion.

You never have, you never will. All you're going to do is cite a passage where He's arguing with a group of Pharisees. Then you're going to invent an unsupported extrapolation about what He "meant" about all Jews when He didn't say anything of the sort.

I've seen you do this before. We've gone over this ground before, you and I. Let's see if you come up with anything better today.

Ball's in your court, mattsixteen24
@Ultraviolet @St Cuthbert Mayne“The Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and have persecuted us, do not please God, and they are adversaries to all men, prohibiting us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sin always: for the wrath of God has come upon them to the end.”— St. Paul, I Thessalonians 2:14-16
--- @mattsixteen24
@Ultraviolet is now trying to deconstruct the meaning of 'delusional'. That's very jewish of it. It is a deceptive pernicious judaizer who relentlessly obfuscates the truth. Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews. For those jews who believed in Christ were no longer jews but the early Christians.
“The Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and …More
@Ultraviolet is now trying to deconstruct the meaning of 'delusional'. That's very jewish of it. It is a deceptive pernicious judaizer who relentlessly obfuscates the truth. Christ and the apostles were very clear about their condemnation of the jews. For those jews who believed in Christ were no longer jews but the early Christians.
“The Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and have persecuted us, do not please God, and they are adversaries to all men, prohibiting us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sin always: for the wrath of God has come upon them to the end.”— St. Paul, I Thessalonians 2:14-16
@Tesa Apologies that your post has turned into a another battlefield against bigots.
As for you, mattsixteen24 "Delusion" does not mean, "every fact that contradicts a bigot's fantasies." It also does not mean, "every piece of Scripture that refutes anti-Semitism".
Repeating a passage that does not apply does not make it relevant, Matty.
As I said, "the Jews" St. Paul was referring to in I …More
@Tesa Apologies that your post has turned into a another battlefield against bigots.

As for you, mattsixteen24 "Delusion" does not mean, "every fact that contradicts a bigot's fantasies." It also does not mean, "every piece of Scripture that refutes anti-Semitism".

Repeating a passage that does not apply does not make it relevant, Matty.

As I said, "the Jews" St. Paul was referring to in I Thessalonians 2:14-16 have been dead for over two thousand years.

You like to make this mistake regularly when you twist Scripture.

When Jesus was criticizing the Pharisees for being hypocrites, He was criticizing THOSE Pharisees and using them as an example to teach everyone else why He disapproves about hypocrisy. He wasn't crticizing all Pharisees or all Jews. Just the ones he was arguing with at the time. He was using them to make a point about hypocrisy etc.

If Jesus wanted to say "All Jews are 'x'..." then He would have done so, either before or certainly after the Resurrection. What galls you no end is The Son Of God didn't rant and foam at the mouth, the way you wanted Him to.

"The only fool on gloria.tv is those who attack anyone that speaks the truth about the Synagogue of Satan because like the jews you try to prohibit people from knowing the truth."

The truth? When have YOU ever spoken the "truth"? Even on this very comments thread I caught you lying about Scripture. A passage talks about supernatural spirits who deny God, What do you claim? The passage talks about "jews". It didn't. You lied.

You also lie through omission. The only quotes you ever give are when someone criticized the Jews. As I have said, many times also, being a saint is not being infallible.

You have not, can not, and will not find a quote from Jesus saying anything of the sort. I can find plenty where Jesus speaks of mercy, forgivness, loving those who do us wrong, and so on.

You never quote Jesus there, do you? Jesus contradicts your message of hate so you ignore what He says.

Whose word carries more theological weight, Matty? Jesus Christ or Felix of Toledo? :D

Likewise, I don't attack you. That is another lie. You love attacking me, endlessly calling me a "jew" when I am not, calling me a sodomite, when I am not. THOSE are attacks.

When I call you a liar, I can prove you lie. I call you an anti-Semite because your own comments support this.

What I attack is your lies, your faulty reasoning, your deliberate twisting and perversion of sacred Scripture. In short, all the garbage you shovel onto this site, piously labelling it as "the truth".

The truth and your "truth" are radically different. Unlike you, I WANT people to know the truth. I'm entirely confident theyc can choose wisely between your "truth" and the real thing, so long as they have the choice.

Ah, that's really what's bothering you here, Matty. You're not that confident. :D

I can't blame you. Your "truth" is a shadow of the genuine article. Like all shadows it's a form of darkness that has only a vague outline of what it imitates.
@Ultraviolet @St Cuthbert Mayne“The Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and have persecuted us, do not please God, and they are adversaries to all men, prohibiting us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sin always: for the wrath of God has come upon them to the end.”— St. Paul, I Thessalonians 2:14-16
--- @mattsixteen24
@Pattfm I refer you to this exhaustively detailed literally word-by-word analysis of the passage in queston, including the words you bolded. The scholarly consensus is radically different than an implication it applies to "all jews" as you seem to be implying. The section most relevant here is under the heading :BUT WRATH HAS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTMOST: ephthasen (3SAAI) de ep' autous e orge eis …More
@Pattfm I refer you to this exhaustively detailed literally word-by-word analysis of the passage in queston, including the words you bolded. The scholarly consensus is radically different than an implication it applies to "all jews" as you seem to be implying. The section most relevant here is under the heading :BUT WRATH HAS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTMOST: ephthasen (3SAAI) de ep' autous e orge eis telos


I also call to your attention the conclusion reached regarding the passage overall.

It must be categorically stated that Paul is not advocating anti-Semitism for there is no place in the Christian faith for this sinful attitude. Paul himself loved his fellow unbelieving Jews and sought to help them (Acts 24:17; see notes Romans 9:1; 9:2; 9:3; 9:4; 9:5).

At the risk of overstating the obvious, scholarship with this level of detail carries much greater credibility than merely bolding three words. ;-)
16prohibentes nos gentibus loqui ut salvæ fiant, ut impleant peccata sua semper : pervenit enim ira Dei super illos usque in finem.
Ver. 16. To full up the measure of their sins, after which God's justice would punish them. Wi. — TheJudeans filled up the measure of their iniquities by the opposition they every where manifested to the religion of Christ. The earliest Fathers of the Church testify …More
16prohibentes nos gentibus loqui ut salvæ fiant, ut impleant peccata sua semper : pervenit enim ira Dei super illos usque in finem.

Ver. 16. To full up the measure of their sins, after which God's justice would punish them. Wi. — TheJudeans filled up the measure of their iniquities by the opposition they every where manifested to the religion of Christ. The earliest Fathers of the Church testify that they dispersed people into every nation to blaspheme the name of Christ; and hence sprang the evil fame which Christians bore among the pagans. See the apologies of S. Justin, Tertullian, Origen, &c.
St. Justin Martyr (ca. 100-ca. 165)
Now the one below is by Jews. Read with caution ⚠
So I guess I can say you're just going to side-step the author's evidence that "Paul himself loved his fellow unbelieving Jews and sought to help them (Acts 24:17; see notes Romans 9:1; 9:2; 9:3; 9:4; 9:5)"
Good to know. :D
"The earliest Fathers of the Church testify that they dispersed people into every nation to blaspheme the name of Christ"
Somebody needs to tell the earliest Fathers of the …More
So I guess I can say you're just going to side-step the author's evidence that "Paul himself loved his fellow unbelieving Jews and sought to help them (Acts 24:17; see notes Romans 9:1; 9:2; 9:3; 9:4; 9:5)"

Good to know. :D

"The earliest Fathers of the Church testify that they dispersed people into every nation to blaspheme the name of Christ"

Somebody needs to tell the earliest Fathers of the Church how the Diaspora came about. Fairly certain Rome had a lot more to do with the matter than some evil cabal of "joooz" saying, "now Moshe, you and your family go to Syria, Avram, you take Thrace" and so on. Sounds like shades of Matty's discredited Protocols Of The Elders of Zion.
We must love our enemies by fighting for their souls. John 3:16..., 1 John 3:16.
Beautiful sentiment. Certainly doesn't support the anti-Semitic interpretation Matty was ascribing to I Thessalonians 2:14-16.
"...Matty was ascribing to I..." -- @Ultraviolet
to I ❌
to me✔
@Ultraviolet @St Cuthbert Mayne “The Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and have persecuted us, do not please God, and they are adversaries to all men, prohibiting us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sin always: for the wrath of God has come upon them to the end.”— St. Paul, I Thessalonians 2:14-16
@St Cuthbert Mayne Name calling again. You're so kind. What's your point?
Woe to you @St Cuthbert Mayne for calling St. Paul a moron.
The Jews, who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and have persecuted us, do not please God, and they are adversaries to all men, prohibiting us from speaking to the Gentiles that they may be saved, to fill up their sin always: for the wrath of God has come upon them to the end.”— St. Paul, I Thessalonians 2:14-16
Jesus was a Jew you moron" -- Strong suspicion
@Ultraviolet @St Cuthbert Mayne Bl. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: “The Jews are enemies of God and foes of our holy religion.”
St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori: “Poor Jews! You invoked a dreadful curse upon your own heads; and that curse, miserable race, you carry upon you to this day, and to the End of Time you shall endure the chastisement of that innocent blood!”
St. Ambrose: “The Synagogue is a godless …More
@Ultraviolet @St Cuthbert Mayne Bl. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina: “The Jews are enemies of God and foes of our holy religion.”

St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori: “Poor Jews! You invoked a dreadful curse upon your own heads; and that curse, miserable race, you carry upon you to this day, and to the End of Time you shall endure the chastisement of that innocent blood!”

St. Ambrose: “The Synagogue is a godless house, a collection of wickedness, and God Himself has damned it.”

St. Felix of Toledo, On the Condemnation of the Jews, Council XVII of Toledo, Canon 8: “It is known that the Jewish people are polluted with wickedness, blasphemy, and the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ so that their wickedness has no limit.”

St. Augustine of Hippo: “Judaism, since Christ, is a corruption; indeed, Judas is the image of the Jewish people: their understanding of Scripture is carnal; they bear the guilt for the death of the Savior, for through their fathers they have killed Christ. The Jews held Him; the Jews insulted Him; the Jews bound Him; they crowned Him with thorns; they scourged Him; they hanged Him upon a tree.”

Apocalypse 2:9: “I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Judaites and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”Apocalypse 2:9: “I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Judaites and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”