Aquinas on Islam

Aquinas on Islam

It is no secret that secularists generally react to Christianity with hostility, but to Islam with obsequiousness – or silence in the face of belligerence and even of atrocities such as the Ft. Hood massacre.

...St. Thomas Aquinas – the “Angelic Doctor,” known for efforts to harmonize faith and reason, whose feast we celebrate today. He had some memorable things to say about Islam, though he only addressed it explicitly a couple of times.

In one treatise, he offers reasons for Christianity against many typical Muslim objections and, at the beginning of Summa contra Gentiles, he concisely presents objections to the claims of Islam: its founder produced no miracles, and Islam – unlike Christianity, which emerged amidst waves of persecution – spread by the sword.

Aquinas’ own words from the 1260s are worth a look today: “He (Mohammed) did not bring forth any signs produced in a supernatural way, which alone fittingly gives witness to divine inspiration; for a visible action that can be only divine reveals an invisibly inspired teacher of truth.

On the contrary, Mohammed said that he was sent in the power of his arms – which are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants.”

He goes on to note that Mohammed shrewdly forbade his followers to read the Old and New Testaments, which he twisted into “fabrications of his own,” before concluding: “it is thus clear that those who place any faith in his words believe foolishly.”

One can prize universal religious freedom, acknowledge the piety and sincerity of a good many Muslims, and value genuine dialogue, yet still find these medieval observations, stripped of politically correct evasiveness, engaging in ways that modern, informed, judgment-free observations tend not to be.
Dear Holy Cannoli and others visit this website to see what Islam is all about!
It keeps a record of all the people Islam has killed throughout the world!
Dear Holy Cannoli and others visit this website to see what Islam is all about!

It keeps a record of all the people Islam has killed throughout the world!
Holy Cannoli
What is the Church's position on muslims and how are we to deal with them?
Islam is a violent political system not a religion.…/100100……/the_five_stages…More
What is the Church's position on muslims and how are we to deal with them?

Islam is a violent political system not a religion.…/100100……/the_five_stages…
✍️ What is the Church's position on muslims and how are we to deal with them? - Rene
Holy Canoli wrote “Women are for children, boys are for pleasure,” is the local saying. (A combat veteran home from tours of active duty told me how common this practice is among the Arabs as well).
This is very true. Any military service member who has deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan or Kuwait can easily confirm and attest that the above is sadly true. The wide spread employment of Chai Boys …

Holy Canoli wrote “Women are for children, boys are for pleasure,” is the local saying. (A combat veteran home from tours of active duty told me how common this practice is among the Arabs as well).

This is very true. Any military service member who has deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan or Kuwait can easily confirm and attest that the above is sadly true. The wide spread employment of Chai Boys and the outright public abuse of boys is beyond despicable. You never go into an iraqi Army barracks on Thursday. American Soldiers call it "Man Love Thursdsay".

In Afghanistan the Taliban or the worst offenders. Indeed, Special Forces units can tell a Taliban village by the young boys who are forced to wear makeup by the Taliban leaders in that village. The word Taliban can even be (dynamically) interpreted as "The Schoolboys".
Talib is an Arabic word meaning "one who is seeking", a student. The original Taliban Militia began as the "Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement"
Holy Cannoli
From the article:
Even lesser known is the unwritten code within the Dar al-Islam that tolerates pederasty. Afghanis speak openly, in a recent PBS Frontline documentary, about recruiting and abusing “dancing boys” – a shockingly widespread practice. “Women are for children, boys are for pleasure,” is the local saying. (A combat veteran home from tours of active duty told me how common this …More
From the article:

Even lesser known is the unwritten code within the Dar al-Islam that tolerates pederasty. Afghanis speak openly, in a recent PBS Frontline documentary, about recruiting and abusing “dancing boys” – a shockingly widespread practice. “Women are for children, boys are for pleasure,” is the local saying. (A combat veteran home from tours of active duty told me how common this practice is among the Arabs as well).

Tortured indeed is the “reasoning” which sanctions such vile practices while simultaneously directing lethal hostility towards homosexuals (excepting men who abuse boys).

It is not an easy documentary to watch, but it is not hard to come away from it wondering if these villagers from the so-called “stone age” would feel right at home at NAMBLA gatherings. They might even appreciate the “progressive” academics who speak of “male intergenerational intimacy.” They would bristle, though, at the Greek government (proving that progressing in wisdom over the centuries is by no means assured) which now defines pedophilia as a “disability.”

From the CCC:

What the Catholic Catechism says about Islam

...the Second Vatican Council urged that all "forget the past and strive sincerely for mutual understanding, and, on the behalf of all mankind, make common cause of safeguarding and fostering social justice, moral values, peace, and freedom" (Nostra Aetate 3).


The Catholic Encyclopaedia (1908):

In matters political, Islam is a system of despotism at home and aggression abroad. . . . The rights of non-Moslem subjects are of the vaguest and most limited kind, and a religious war is a sacred duty whenever there is a chance of success against the "Infidel." Medieval and modern Mohammedan, especially Turkish, persecutions of both Jews and Christians are perhaps the best illustration of this fanatical religious and political spirit.

Come back, St. Pius X, all is forgiven...

In Pakistan (and no doubt elsewhere) the Muslims are told something bad will happen to you if you start to read the Bible.