Pope Francis Mobilizes Against the Future Italian Government


Francis’s monument to migrants in St. Peter's Square

Italy will soon see a new government, at the end of October: it will be the first government in this country led by a woman and the first post-war government led by a right-wing party. This fact is producing a feverish mobilization not only in the country, but also by the European authorities. Pope Francis is among the new government's opponents.

During the election campaign, Giorgia Meloni promised to speed up the return of illegal and criminal immigrants and to tighten asylum regulations. She also called for a naval blockade of North Africa to prevent illegal immigration via the Mediterranean.

Pope Francis has vehemently opposed this program. On Saturday October 9, 2022, in his homily in St. Peter's Square, he “passionately defended,” a right to migration, according to Reuters. He did this by vigorously defending migrants. The exclusion of migrants is “scandalous, odious and sinful,” Francis said.

The agency immediately broadcast this indictment to the world and made sure the connections were understood “correctly.” Reuters has explicitly established a direct link with Giorgia Meloni and her future government.

Francis deviated slightly from his text, saying: “The exclusion of migrants is outrageous. It is criminal. As a result, they are dying before our eyes. This is why the Mediterranean is today the largest cemetery in the world. The exclusion of migrants is odious, it is a sin. It is criminal not to open doors to those in need.” The Pope has controversially made supporting migrants one of the cornerstones of his pontificate.

(Sources : katholisches.info/caht.ch – FSSPX.Actualités)

The pope is having fun: