Facial recognition is widely becoming available. The question of how this should be used comes up immediately. China and the EU are going opposite directions with it: China fully embracing it while the EU holds off while it is studied. The USA and other developed nations are somewhere in the middle. We need to help set the moral principles for using this technology. I want to point out the directions …More
Facial recognition is widely becoming available. The question of how this should be used comes up immediately. China and the EU are going opposite directions with it: China fully embracing it while the EU holds off while it is studied. The USA and other developed nations are somewhere in the middle. We need to help set the moral principles for using this technology. I want to point out the directions of China and the EU, then examine these moral principles.

Facial Recognition: How Much Privacy is Just?

Facial Recognition: How Much Privacy is Just? January 22, 2020 Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC Facial Recognition Concept (CC0 pxfuel) Facial recognition is …
LOL...and all the mandatory "covid masking" renders this recognition software useless. What parameters does a blue Faucci Face Diaper get? Or those new weird sport-masks that look like cut-down jock-straps?
Jeffrey Ade
@ Sensus Fidelium, so true!
Sensus Fidelium
only a fool would side with facial recognition and not seeing where technocracy is taking us. But only a fool would think the dangerous experimental injection that is killing people is a good thing too
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Only a fool would comment without reading, and assume the opposite conclusion of the article.
No True Scotsman Fallacy @Fr Matthew P Schneider LC :)
Sensus Fidelium
why did you presume I was commenting against you on that? Since you are for the dangerous experimental injection did you presume I didn't have my ps & qs together? Nope. I'm with you on the evils of this. You need to drop your covid cultist mentality and figure out that you are on the wrong side of the injection devotion you push.
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
Your first sentence above: "only a fool would side with facial recognition and not seeing where technocracy is taking us."
Sensus Fidelium
Yes. That wasn't accusing anyone of a thing either. Now those who are for this scamdemic, & the dangerous experimental injection that goes with it, is part of the problem giving the technocrats more power. You back the serum up that has killed, with 1% reporting according to a Harvard/HHS study, 16,000 already. At 10% you are looking at 160,000. Many healthy people are now screwed up bc of the fear …More
Yes. That wasn't accusing anyone of a thing either. Now those who are for this scamdemic, & the dangerous experimental injection that goes with it, is part of the problem giving the technocrats more power. You back the serum up that has killed, with 1% reporting according to a Harvard/HHS study, 16,000 already. At 10% you are looking at 160,000. Many healthy people are now screwed up bc of the fear you preached. Over what? You really believe 600,000 died from this flu? CDC even said only 6% of all the deaths were ONLY bc of the Rona, leaving 26,000 dead. The rest? The average age is over the natural death average. & yet you refuse to see the facts & continue to be an evangelist for the propaganda. Judgment day is not a story. I welcome you to find humility, admit you were wrong and work to help the situation. A true leader would do that. You have been wrong on literally everything (except the technocrat stuff) but you need this scam to bring all that to fruition.

Aves for you, padre. Time to start fighting for the good guys