
Francis’ Economic Fantasies: Why Not in the Vatican?

In his message for the meeting of the so-called Popular Movements (“dear social poets,” “let us dream”), Francis called for “universal wage and reduction of the working day” because “our socio-economic models” have “lost their human face."

We cannot “go back to previous patterns" because "it would be truly suicidal” and “ecocidal and genocidal," he said.

Specula (Infovaticana, October 17) observes that Francis can immediately apply his recepies in the Vatican where he is the absolute ruler.

“Reduce the working day by half, presumably while maintaining the miserable salaries, and hire as many others as possible,” Specula writes. After that, Francis will see “how everything will be solved, and we will arrive at a happy world.”


Lajos D
I propose the introduction of inverse Peter's pence. The Pope would pay us, because we are so nice and don't contradict his beautiful theory.
As the article rightly points out. Pope Francis chooses not to apply his Marxist fantasies to his own organization.