When will they understand, the whole Conciliar project is one long, spectacular FAIL

Explaining the Council's failure by saying it has not yet been implemented- an argument well past its …

Jesuit Batlogg: Potential of the Council not yet exhausted Religious and theologian calls for patience …
Ursula Sankt
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Isn't it obvious by the wholesale collapse of the Catholic Church that the "reforms" of Vatican II have been soundly rejected by everyone except a very small clique of radicals, heretics, apostates who account for maybe 1% of the Catholic Church.... the remainder 75% pretty much did as they were told, and about 20% see the Council for the disaster it was and reject it. Thats the only part of the …More
Isn't it obvious by the wholesale collapse of the Catholic Church that the "reforms" of Vatican II have been soundly rejected by everyone except a very small clique of radicals, heretics, apostates who account for maybe 1% of the Catholic Church.... the remainder 75% pretty much did as they were told, and about 20% see the Council for the disaster it was and reject it. Thats the only part of the Church that has not collapsed. Whereever the traditional Latin Roman Rite is, there is the Catholic Church.....not in the "reforms " of Vatican II, and definitly not with Pope Francis and his people.
John A Cassani
It’s latest possible “sell by date” was 10 years ago today, I’d say.