
Under Bergoglio, Christianity Matters Less - A Contradictory Pope - A Major Interview with Sandro …

Sandro Magister, interviewed by Goffredo Pistelli The Pope is confusing many bishops This year Sandro Magister celebrates 40 years as a Vatican journalist. His first articles in L’Espresso in fact, …More
Sandro Magister, interviewed by Goffredo Pistelli
The Pope is confusing many bishops
This year Sandro Magister celebrates 40 years as a Vatican journalist. His first articles in L’Espresso in fact, date back to 1974. And today, from those columns and also from the site of the weekly magazine, he still continues to report Vatican and Church news, everything very well-documented without bowing down to anyone.
Born in 1943, a native of Busto Arsizio, with degrees in Philosophy and Theology from the “Cattolica”, Magister has followed many Roman pontiffs. His articles regarding the present Pontiff, Pope Francis, are distinct from the mainstream Vatican journalists, unhesitatingly noting contradictions.
Question: Magister, Pope Bergoglio, has been basking in worldwide success these past months, but some of his decisions have given pause for thought. For example, he has presented himself as Bishop of Rome but at the Synod for the Family, he evoked the Codes of Canon Law confirming Petrine …More
Dr Bobus
The pope's is a Jesuit, and a Jesuit's favorite color is plaid.
Sandro Magister is the man! Clearer than that there's not, in SUMMARY, what Sandro said was, is exactly in the bible: "Let your yes mean yes, let your no mean no everything else is from the devil." Mat 5:37