
Another Francis Book: “I Am Not An Ice-Cream Vendor”

"I earn nothing, nothing at all! They feed me, and if I need something, I ask for it" – Francis says in “From the poor to the pope, from the pope to the world,” a book which will be published on April 1 in French, Italian and German, containing 100 questions from 80 countries.

"I am an impatient person,” Francis explains, “Sometimes I make decisions in haste, with a bit of self-sufficiency."

It pains Francis “that men of the Church, priests, bishops, cardinals, drive luxury cars and become negative testimonies" – as if this were a problem in the Church at large, except for the German bishops with their huge salaries who have nothing to fear from Francis.

Francis refuses to wear white trousers under his cassock as is tradition because "I am not an ice-cream vendor!” – evidently, he prefers being whitewashed.

He describes himself as a "dreamer" and admits that he "sometimes falls asleep during prayer."


"I earn nothing, nothing at all!" Same thing limousine leftists say when their accountants are done filing the tax returns.
Kathleen J B shares this
@Dr Bobus Not enough Ice-Cream in the world for that.
Dr Bobus
Ah, a book from Smilin' Ted McQueerick's favorite pope. Francis is trying to cause people to forget that his papacy has been a disastrous attempt to return to 1970s Jesuit ideology.
As he approaches death, the book is an attempt to manipulate the next conclave.More
Ah, a book from Smilin' Ted McQueerick's favorite pope. Francis is trying to cause people to forget that his papacy has been a disastrous attempt to return to 1970s Jesuit ideology.

As he approaches death, the book is an attempt to manipulate the next conclave.
Defeat Modernism
The world would be a better place if he were an ice cream vendor and not pretending to be a Catholic Pope who is promoting the Judeo-Masonic New World Order of Antichrist.
J G Tasan
He looks cheerful and energetic, huh... 🥴 🤭
J G Tasan
In jovial mood, of course! 😎 🥶
Randall Norman
He really does hate the English-speaking world, doesn't he? We know he hates all people and all things Traditional. Completely owned, like Plugs, by the CCP.