Celibacy Is an Ontological Part of Priesthood - Benedict XVI. Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsYlunlukgzuMore
Celibacy Is an Ontological Part of Priesthood - Benedict XVI.

Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsYlunlukgzu
Thors Catholic Hammer
The current pope Benedict xvi is incorrect.
Celibacy can not be an ontological requisite of Holy Orders.
Christ chose a married man , St. Peter as His first pope.
Celibacy is not therefore “ontological “ to the priesthood.More
The current pope Benedict xvi is incorrect.
Celibacy can not be an ontological requisite of Holy Orders.
Christ chose a married man , St. Peter as His first pope.

Celibacy is not therefore “ontological “ to the priesthood.
So who has got the red shoes? Oh must be the paint.