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Wonder if John XXIII told Fulton Sheen about the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima

On two occasions (8 May 1960 & 21 May 1961), at the request of Pope John XXIII, Bishop Sheen assisted in consecrating fourteen bishops for the purpose of serving in the mission territories of the world. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and Pope John XXIII were such good friends that he confided many secrets with Sheen including the proceedings of the conclave which elected him and his desire to announce the council. Much of Sheen's 28 years as a bishop were dedicated to writing & preaching on subjects such as Communism, Russia, and Our Lady of Fatima... Still I wonder.

Source: Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen on Facebook Friday, October 11, 2013 at 1:40 PM
Public domain
I do not think so. More probably Sheen shared with him his marvelous revolutionary ideas like how to visit Talmudic synagogues and talk about unceasing Old Covenant, to organize seminaries together with Protestants or give the Church property to the govt.
Interesting -- Hmmmm.....
We do know that Cardinal Ratzinger confided to Fr. Ingo Dollinger the missing parts of the 3rd Secret NOT released in the 2000 Vatican document on the 3rd Secret of Fatima.
Regarding the Recent Confirmation by Fr. Ingo Döllinger
<< Third Secret of Fatima Still Mainly Concealed; Warns Against an Evil Council and Changes in the Liturgy >> …More
Interesting -- Hmmmm.....
We do know that Cardinal Ratzinger confided to Fr. Ingo Dollinger the missing parts of the 3rd Secret NOT released in the 2000 Vatican document on the 3rd Secret of Fatima.
Regarding the Recent Confirmation by Fr. Ingo Döllinger
<< Third Secret of Fatima Still Mainly Concealed; Warns Against an Evil Council and Changes in the Liturgy >>
“Fr. Ingo Döllinger is a several decades long close personal friend of Pope Benedict XVI. Cardinal Ratzinger told Dr. Döllinger around 1991 that the 3rd Secret speaks of an ‘evil council,’ and warned against changing and adulterating the liturgy of the Mass -- literally against adding extraneous elements into the liturgy (which is exactly what Bugnini & Co. did by adding Protestant elements into the liturgy).
“The Secret, according to Döllinger, also speaks negatively about the Conciliar popes, according to what Ratzinger told Döllinger -- comparing one pope to a chameleon, another to a serpent, etc.
“Dr. Döllinger spoke not only to me and Joseph Cain on what Ratzinger had told him, but he related even more details to the young clerics in the seminary of Anapolis (Brazil), where he had been rector. I myself and Joseph have spoken not only with Döllinger, but also with the priests and deacons in Brazil who had heard Dr. Döllinger relate to them the details of the Secret that had been told to him personally by Cardinal Ratzinger around 1991.
“After the publication of the ‘bishop in white’ vision of the 3rd Secret, Döllinger noticed that the details of the Secret that Ratzinger had revealed to him nearly a decade earlier were not in the ‘bishop in white’ version of the secret. When Döllinger had his next opportunity to meet with Cardinal Ratzinger (after a concelebrated Mass), Döllinger asked Ratzinger how it can be said that the whole Secret has been published, since the details of the Secret earlier mentioned to him by Ratzinger were conspicuously absent from the version of the Secret published by Ratzinger on 26 June 2000. Ratzinger was cornered, and therefore blurted out, ‘Wirklich giebt es da noch etwas.’ (‘Really there is more there.’) Dr. Döllinger also told Joseph and me that he had personally known (St.) Pio of Pietrelcina, and that he had made his confession to Padre Pio fifty-eight times.”
Fr. Paul Kramer
(See also Father Kramer's article on this subject published in 2009:
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and Father Döllinger's recent confirmation of these facts: