Original French here : Un SIGNE des TEMPS qui ne TROMPE PAS Take a good look at this picture : What do you think? Isn't there something missing ? The CRUCIFIX, of course ! You'll tell me that... in …More
Original French here : Un SIGNE des TEMPS qui ne TROMPE PAS
Take a good look at this picture :
What do you think? Isn't there something missing ?
The CRUCIFIX, of course !
You'll tell me that... in short, a banal explanation !
But here it is ! This altar is not just any altar !
He is the Master-Autel above the Confession of St. Peter in Rome.
Here it is in its previous state : What happened ? On September 4, 2019, an individual climbed on the Altar, took the Crucifix and smashed it on the Altar itself. This information was not reported in the newspapers, just a few crazy hints in the Italian media, and then silence. Conservative circles did not even think it was worth talking about. As for the Vatican: nothing !!!!! If it were not for the place, we could say that it is an act of vandalism as it is today. But given the dignity of the place, it would be inappropriate to focus on such an explanation, especially since the silence surrounding this desecration speaks for itself. I'll be told …More
If an unbalanced person had entered the synagogue of Rome and damaged the 7-branch candlestick, all the newspapers would have reported it, the conservatives too, and the Vatican of course!
Have you learned your lesson?More
If an unbalanced person had entered the synagogue of Rome and damaged the 7-branch candlestick, all the newspapers would have reported it, the conservatives too, and the Vatican of course!

Have you learned your lesson?
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