Frozen (2) , people should avoid! People should avoid this movie. It is harmful and mortally sinful to soul. Never give consent and approval to sorcery. Elza is sorceress and evil character, she cannot …More
Frozen (2) , people should avoid!

People should avoid this movie. It is harmful and mortally sinful to soul. Never give consent and approval to sorcery. Elza is sorceress and evil character, she cannot be portrayed as morally good, because sorcery is evil. Avoid and pray instead. Instead of mortally sinful fiction, please learn from real life of Jesus and Mary. People should recomend themselves to Mary TRUE QUEEN of Heaven. Frozen is evil. Find out more at audio recordings Ora et Labora:
Why people lack grace to see the truth:…/why-many-cant-b…
I'm almost afraid to ask what the general opinion is on the Narnia movies/ books.
@Ultraviolet I recommend you watch this video:
I suppose I had that kind of an answer coming KristianKeller :)
@Ultraviolet What do you mean?
@KristianKeller It means some random guy sharing his opinion on youtube is just and only that. Anyone can put together a video presentation for their opinion and, very quickly, I recognized his central argument is wrong. Just because a fictional theme has a parallel in the Bible does not prove a fictonal theme is from the Bible. Meaning, a writer or a film-maker may not be trying to subvert …More
@KristianKeller It means some random guy sharing his opinion on youtube is just and only that. Anyone can put together a video presentation for their opinion and, very quickly, I recognized his central argument is wrong. Just because a fictional theme has a parallel in the Bible does not prove a fictonal theme is from the Bible. Meaning, a writer or a film-maker may not be trying to subvert Christianity.

I'll give a simple example. Here is a basic theme: human jealousy sometimes leads to murder. That is an ugly part of human nature and has been recorded in historical and fictional writings all over human history. Many were written literally thousands of years before the Bible and also in cultures that had no contact at all with the Bible. Yes, it also happened in Genesis with Cain and Abel.

So if a movie shows human jealousy leading to murder, that does not prove the film-makers are trying to copy or subvert the Biblical story of Cain and Abel. They are describing human nature that also appears in the bible. But that does not mean they stole the idea from the bible.

Here's another example. Suppose a movie or a popular book depicts a man with a divine father who gets killed and comes back from the dead. Is that stealing from the story of Jesus? Not necessarily. The ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris was written down described the same thing, thousands of years before Christ was even born. Even saints brought people back from the dead through God's grace. Were they imitating and subverting Christ's supreme sacrifice for humanity? Clearly not.

Simply put, correlation does not prove causation and that youtube guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

I do appreciate you taking the time to link the youtube up for me, but... youtube is youtube and it shows.
You are blind. You are in such spiritual fog, that you cannot even listen to what author of documentary sais. Witchcraft and performing witchcraft is forbidden and mortally sinful act. Main character cannot do witchcraft and be promoted as good. That which is bad cannot be promoted as morally good. Movies, books are art and art should bring people to Jesus Christs, final end, or should promote …More
You are blind. You are in such spiritual fog, that you cannot even listen to what author of documentary sais. Witchcraft and performing witchcraft is forbidden and mortally sinful act. Main character cannot do witchcraft and be promoted as good. That which is bad cannot be promoted as morally good. Movies, books are art and art should bring people to Jesus Christs, final end, or should promote Christian morals. If there is one thing that goes against Christian morals, like talking to devil (seen as good), seeing pagan like worship of Lion as substitution for Christ, and reading a spell and creating weather inside room, that is witchcraft, it has to be avoided and condemned. Narnia is bad and as video shows, first: a child talks to pagan depiction of devil, than Lion is "creator of universe" and paralel universes, and is using Christ´s death and resurrection. Does it promote Jesus? No it promotes idolatry towards fictional character. Than she opens book and does mortal sin of witchcraft you blind fool!

Than your argument with Cain and Abel is just absolutely not-related to the matter, to the context. Dishonest diversion.

It is taking it from Jesus´ story, which is not just story, but real event. Jesus has divine Father. So you are wrong (in your little example). Than you bring Egyptian myth of Osiris and you say it describes same thing as Jesus´ life, death and resurrection. This is blashpemy! You are just modernist apostate pagan!

Than you bring dishonestly again( because you are faithless heretic), you bring fact that Saints worked miracles with help of God. They worked miracles to prove Christianity. God allowed them to perform miracles in His name, in order to prove Christianity is real, and also some miracles happened in order that person could be for example baptised. With your argument and falsehoods you attack the truth, because you hate it.

You are puffed up with pride and reject correct positon in these matters.

You should open your eyes! and study it more!
I made no criticism of you KristianKeller. The errors of the video are not yours.
"Witchcraft and performing witchcraft is forbidden and mortally sinful act."
I don't need a video to tell me that.
"Main character cannot do witchcraft and be promoted as good."
Most movies do not even involve witchcraft.
"Movies, books are art and art should bring people to Jesus Christs, final end, or should promote …More
I made no criticism of you KristianKeller. The errors of the video are not yours.

"Witchcraft and performing witchcraft is forbidden and mortally sinful act."

I don't need a video to tell me that.

"Main character cannot do witchcraft and be promoted as good."

Most movies do not even involve witchcraft.

"Movies, books are art and art should bring people to Jesus Christs, final end, or should promote Christian morals."

Personally, I believe the purpose of art is to entertain, foremost. Botticelli's The Birth Of Venus has nothing to do with bringing people to Jesus Christ or promoting Christian morals. It is still great art!

Conversely, Michelangelo's "David", while superficially a Biblical sculpture, has undoubtedly been an occasion of sin for thousands of women throughout history.

While I can not prove it online, I am certain if I picked through your bookshelf and DVD selections, I would find more than a few movies that are not focused entirely on bringing people to Jesus Christ or promoting Christian morals.

I'm certain if, right now, the police walked into your room and took your computer away, they would find many images and videos that aren't at all about "bringing people to Jesus Christ or promoting Christian morals." :D

If not in your computer, then certainly on a USB flash drive or DVD-ROM. Don't even bother denying it. You're too strident about the subject. That is always an obvious clue. ;-)

"seeing pagan like worship of Lion as substitution for Christ"

Have you read the Narnia books? Can you provide direct quotes from the books themselves where this happens? No? Or are you relying on someone else's opinion in a YouTube video?

The series was, ironically enough, aimed at doing exactly what you said: bringing people to Jesus Christ and promoting Christian morals. The series was, in the main, a very complex allegory aimed at presenting Christian teaching to children in an engaging European fantasy setting.

"It is taking it from Jesus´ story, which is not just story, but real event. Jesus has divine Father. So you are wrong (in your little example)."

In Egyptian mythology, Oriris' father was Geb whom they believed was divine. So there is a direct parallel between the historical fact of Jesus and the Egyptian myth of Osiris. Except the Egyptians wrote their myth before Christ ever walked the earth. That is also fact.

"Than you bring Egyptian myth of Osiris and you say it describes same thing as Jesus´ life, death and resurrection. This is blashpemy!"

...only if a person claims they myth of Osiris actually happened which I never did.

While Osiris did not die and resurrect in the exact manner of Jesus, the fact that Osiris supposedly did live as a human, die, and get resurrected provides a direct parallel.

Such pagan Egyptian myths were the reason Christianity originally flourished in ancient Egypt. Early Christian missionaries found it very easy to explain to pagan Egyptians that a god could become human, get killed and then come back from the dead. That was a story, though fictional, that was part of their culture for millenia.

"You are just modernist apostate pagan!"

Judging by your posts on GTV, you throw that at just about everyone who disagrees with you. :)

The irony is I'm not even disagreeing with YOU. I was disagreeing with some silly video you linked form YouTube.

That's the problem with "YouTube experts". People like you watch them and then instantly take their opinions at face value. It's a nice video presentation with little bits from movies and such. That is all.

"Than you bring dishonestly again( because you are faithless heretic)"

Make up your mind what I'm supposed to be, please.

A heretic is a person who believes in Christ but also believes in doctrinal errors. A modernist pagan does not believe in Christ at all. I can't be both at the same time.

If you're going to insult me, at least get your terminology correct. :D

You're foaming at the mouth like a dog, barking out "Heretic! Pagan!" without a second thought of what those words even mean.

"you bring fact that Saints worked miracles with help of God. They worked miracles to prove Christianity. God allowed them to perform miracles in His name, in order to prove Christianity is real, and also some miracles happened in order that person could be for example baptised."

...and so?

It also proves that Christ was not the only human who came back from the dead, even outside of Christ's miracles. Christ Himself told his disciples to do this in Matthew 10:8 "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely give." There have been a LOT of resurrections after Christ's.…/saints-who-rais…

You haven't shown any falsehood in the statement I made.

Yes, I'll freely admit I'm puffed up with pride. Because my knowledge doesn't come from YouTube.

Unlike yours.

I'm very careful to confine my views to subjects I've actually studied. I can give an opinion on C.S. Lewis because I've read the books we're discussing.

Unlike you.

Anyway, you have been very helpful. I was curious what the reaction would be to Narnia on GTV and you definitely provided me the answer.... They're bad because some idiot on YouTube said so. :D

This is why I said, "I suppose I had that kind of an answer coming"

Thanks anyway. :)
Anyone with bit of good will can see, that I refuted you. Main character does magic right in front of everyone´s face, than you tried to divert the issue by pointing on different movies. While original question was Narnia (yes or no?). You also went to lie about me and it just shows you lost argument. There is nothing on my computer that would be deemed as impure, there is no movie that is harmful …More
Anyone with bit of good will can see, that I refuted you. Main character does magic right in front of everyone´s face, than you tried to divert the issue by pointing on different movies. While original question was Narnia (yes or no?). You also went to lie about me and it just shows you lost argument. There is nothing on my computer that would be deemed as impure, there is no movie that is harmful, just studying material and pictures of saints. You are obviously full of lust when you promote Boticelli´s naked art. I am familiar with it, I did not even wanted to look at it. Before conversion I even purchased as a gift Boticelli´s Venus to someone in my teenage years. Everyone should avoid naked art. Council of Trent condemned naked art to be shown. Many statues are naked, they were covered before Vatican II apostasy. You obviously do have a problem with impurity and you demonically accuse others. This is a big problem and you are, and your likes are on the road to hell.

You are just of the devil, I believe you are possessed. You do not believe in Jesus Christ, you are just a heretic and liar. You lie about fellow Catholic, and his video, you promoted heresy of Christ´s story being similar of pagan mythology. They are not similar, neither same, I rightly called you a modernist. If you knew, you would find out that false gods Osiris and all other were lustful and impure gods and false gods. You have fallen to an error. Jesus is blameless victim.

In charity, I wanted you to honestly wake up, but you lie and twist like a really possessed man, you are quite obstinate. In reality you are modernist, in practice you are pagan.
One must avoid you, and nothing remains just to pray for you.

Everyone that reads:There is one true Catholic faith, outside which there is no Salvation. You have to be Catholic and convert.
Outside of Church There is No Salvation, visit please and please pray 15 decades of rosary.
Yes, avoid all mainstream movies and tv, but avoid the Dimond Brothers as they error like the protestants with their private interpretations of the bible.
You are wrong and spread falsehoods! Person should visit and avoid false shepherds and worldly people. Most Holy Family Monastery is a Catholic monastery you are just baseless liar!
Vyhnite sa Frozen 2, lebo propaguje hlavnú postavu čarodejku, ako dobrú. Je to nehorázne drzá rozprávka, ktorá ide proti Božím prikázaniam. Je to modlárstvo.
Ruky preč od Harry Potter, Frozen 2 a Pán Prsteňov.More
Vyhnite sa Frozen 2, lebo propaguje hlavnú postavu čarodejku, ako dobrú. Je to nehorázne drzá rozprávka, ktorá ide proti Božím prikázaniam. Je to modlárstvo.

Ruky preč od Harry Potter, Frozen 2 a Pán Prsteňov.