
Amnesty Fires, UN Hires Divisive Activist

(C-Fam) An official who left Amnesty International mired in scandals has been appointed the second highest position at the UN’s human rights office.

Kate Gilmore led Amnesty’s advocacy for abortion, a costly move for the human rights organizatio(C-Fam) An official who left Amnesty International mired in scandals has been appointed the second highest position at the UN’s human rights office.

Kate Gilmore led Amnesty’s advocacy for abortion, a costly move for the human rights organization as throngs of members resigned in protest. She was later fired, thrusting the charity into turmoil over a “seriously excessive” payout of more than $616,000 to get her to leave. Amnesty’s chairman called the windfall the “least worst option” to compel her to go.
Amnesty’s switch in 2006 from neutrality to backing abortion, including partial-birth abortions, was made without consulting their members. Gilmore was Executive Deputy Secretary General and responsible for “leading innovations in human rights policy.”

“Many AI supporters may be alienated not only by the substance of the proposed policy but also by the un-open fashion in which the new policy is being debated,” wrote Richard Stith, a law professor, in an open letter to Amnesty’s members at that time.

“Such a right might benefit powerful elites, but it would harm many of our most vulnerable sisters in the developing world,” Stith wrote. “It would clash head-on with the recognized human right to life of the unborn, and even with Amnesty’s own foundation in universal human rights.”

Gilmore left Amnesty in 2009. Two years later, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) hired her as Deputy Executive Director, where she organized activists to pressure countries to expand abortion and sexual rights.n as throngs of members resigned in protest. She was later fired, thrusting the charity into turmoil over a “seriously excessive” payout of more than $616,000 to get her to leave. Amnesty’s chairman called the windfall the “least worst option” to compel her to go.

Amnesty’s switch in 2006 from neutrality to backing abortion, including partial-birth abortions, was made without consulting their members. Gilmore was Executive Deputy Secretary General and responsible for “leading innovations in human rights policy.”

“Many AI supporters may be alienated not only by the substance of the proposed policy but also by the un-open fashion in which the new policy is being debated,” wrote Richard Stith, a law professor, in an open letter to Amnesty’s members at that time.

“Such a right might benefit powerful elites, but it would harm many of our most vulnerable sisters in the developing world,” Stith wrote. “It would clash head-on with the recognized human right to life of the unborn, and even with Amnesty’s own foundation in universal human rights.”

Gilmore left Amnesty in 2009. Two years later, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) hired her as Deputy Executive Director, where she organized activists to pressure countries to expand abortion and sexual rights.

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