Gloria TV News on the 27th of April. Rosa DeLauro, George Weigel Mississippi Gov. Phil BryantMore
Gloria TV News on the 27th of April.

Rosa DeLauro, George Weigel
Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant
holyrope 3
Rose DeLauro is married to Stan Greenberg....DeLauro supports using federal subsidies for abortion procedures. She also voted no in 2006 on a bill that makes the transportation of pregnant women under the age of 18 across state lines in order to obtain an abortion illegal. And she strongly supports an increase of gun control...etc, etc.
Stan Greenberg... is a leading Democratic pollster and political …More
Rose DeLauro is married to Stan Greenberg....DeLauro supports using federal subsidies for abortion procedures. She also voted no in 2006 on a bill that makes the transportation of pregnant women under the age of 18 across state lines in order to obtain an abortion illegal. And she strongly supports an increase of gun control...etc, etc.

Stan Greenberg... is a leading Democratic pollster and political strategist who has advised the campaigns of Bill Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry, as well as hundreds of other candidates and organizations in the United States and around the world, including the former (Chancellor of Germany) Gerhard Schroder and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Michael Haupl and the Austrian SPO.

Greenberg is the CEO of Greenberg Quilan Rosner, a polling and consulting firm and co-founder of Democracy Corps, a non-profit organization which produces left-leaning political strategy.

Financial disclosures filed in Congress indicate the couple are multi-millionaires.

Greenberg's current and former corporate clients include British Petroleum, British Airways, MONSANTO and General Motors. ✍️
Since when protestants are referred to as Christian right?
The comment on the internet regarding Jews and the Christian right is clearly out of place ; this is for several reasons. First, let us keep in mind, the Christian right does not necessarily mean Catholics. Many in the Christian right in the US actively work to lead Catholics out of the Catholic Church. Many in the Christian right are non-denominational pastors who have little training and are …More
The comment on the internet regarding Jews and the Christian right is clearly out of place ; this is for several reasons. First, let us keep in mind, the Christian right does not necessarily mean Catholics. Many in the Christian right in the US actively work to lead Catholics out of the Catholic Church. Many in the Christian right are non-denominational pastors who have little training and are viciously anti-Catholic and against Jews.

Second regarding the Jews being exclusively responsible for the death of Jesus. Jesus was executed by Jews and non-Jews representing that he died for all Jews and non-Jews. It is not Catholic teaching in any way that we lay the blame of Jesus death on the entirety of Jewry then, now or both.


597 The historical complexity of Jesus' trial is apparent in the Gospel accounts. The personal sin of the participants (Judas, the Sanhedrin, Pilate) is known to God alone. Hence we cannot lay responsibility for the trial on the Jews in Jerusalem as a whole, despite the outcry of a manipulated crowd and the global reproaches contained in the apostles' calls to conversion after Pentecost. Jesus himself, in forgiving them on the cross, and Peter in following suit, both accept "the ignorance" of the Jews of Jerusalem and even of their leaders. Still less can we extend responsibility to other Jews of different times and places, based merely on the crowd's cry: "His blood be on us and on our children!", a formula for ratifying a judicial sentence. As the Church declared at the Second Vatican Council:

. . . [N]either all Jews indiscriminately at that time, nor Jews today, can be charged with the crimes committed during his Passion. . . [T]he Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as if this followed from holy Scripture.
Shame on NHS!!! 🤨
It seems that the USCCB needs a make over. They continueously subsidized the left to work against the Church. I say this based on what I understood of this news. They themselves seem to be disoriented.