IVAN HROZNÝ. Film o dějinách Ruska 3 (titulky) Stalin zakázal jeho promítání. Jedinečný Sergej Ejzenštejn První díl zachycuje období, kdy bylo Rusko rozděleno na knížectví. Tehdy se mladíček Ivan …Více
Film o dějinách Ruska 3 (titulky) Stalin zakázal jeho promítání.
Jedinečný Sergej Ejzenštejn
První díl zachycuje období, kdy bylo Rusko rozděleno na knížectví. Tehdy se mladíček Ivan Vasilievič, moskevský kníže, nechal korunovat na cara celého Ruska a tvrdě vyžadoval poslušnost bojarů. Se druhém dílu se Ivan Hrozný snaží upevnit moc tím, že založí svou osobní armádu. Jeho političtí soupeři, ruští bojaři, chystají spiknutí a chtějí cara zavraždiť...
Protest proti vydaniu knihy s obsahom,ktorý uráža kresťanov.
Píše sa v nej,že Santa Klaus /Svätý Mikuláš/ je údajne homosexuál.
petícia TU :…/protest-childre…
From: John Horvat <>
Date: po 17. 12. 2018 o 3:03
Subject: Protest against homosexual "Santa"
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The attacks against Christmas continue. This time, they …Více
Protest proti vydaniu knihy s obsahom,ktorý uráža kresťanov.
Píše sa v nej,že Santa Klaus /Svätý Mikuláš/ je údajne homosexuál.

petícia TU :…/protest-childre…

From: John Horvat <>
Date: po 17. 12. 2018 o 3:03
Subject: Protest against homosexual "Santa"

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The attacks against Christmas continue. This time, they are targeting children by destroying their innocent vision of Christmas.

HarperCollins Publishers has released a book by Daniel Kibblesmith called Santa's Husband, featuring Santa as a homosexual "married" to another man. This book promotes homosexual sin as something positive and normal to impressionable children.…/protest-childre…

According to the product description:

"Offering a fresh twist on Kris Kringle, a clever yet heartfelt book that tells the story of a black Santa, his white husband, and their life in the North Pole.

"Everyone knows that Santa Claus is jolly, but in Santa's Husband, this cherished symbol of the holiday season is also black and gay, and married to an equally cheery man."
(; emphasis added)

This is absolutely appalling.…

This takes a familiar Christmas image and distorts it into something that is both offensive and scandalous to innocent children.…/protest-childre…

This is one among many works from HarperCollins that has promoted the homosexual agenda to children, like Home at Last, which portrays a homosexual male couple adopting a child, and Alan Cole is Not a Coward, in which the male protagonist is challenged to kiss his "boyfriend."

Now it's time to tell HarperCollins enough is enough!

I would like to invite you to…/protest-childre…, urging HarperCollins Publishers to pull its books promoting homosexual sin to children.

Thank you!

I remain,


John Horvat
Vice-President, Tradition, Family and Property (TFP)
Výborné filmy,vďaka acer.