25% Słowa Bożego. 29. marca 2011, kazanie szóste Rekolekcje Wielkopostne w Duszpasterstwie Akademickim "Wawrzyny" we Wroclawiu.Więcej
25% Słowa Bożego.

29. marca 2011,
kazanie szóste
Rekolekcje Wielkopostne w Duszpasterstwie Akademickim "Wawrzyny" we Wroclawiu.
Jest szansa, że człowiek ochrzczony, będzie zbawiony, przy minimalnej ścieżce oporu życiowego?
jak sie nazywa ta tlumaczka, chetnie bym ją poznal. Pisać na stachu_mistrzu@op.pl
Doina udostępnia to
Don Reto - Wawrzyny - Wroclaw.
Lenten Retreat in Wroclaw
Poland 2011Więcej
Don Reto - Wawrzyny - Wroclaw.

Lenten Retreat in Wroclaw
Poland 2011
Holy Cannoli
The boy was listening so attentively, I would have loved to have heard what he was thinking. Perhaps he was amazed since he never saw anyone as tall as Fr. Nay?
May God bless little Simon.

The boy was listening so attentively, I would have loved to have heard what he was thinking. Perhaps he was amazed since he never saw anyone as tall as Fr. Nay?


May God bless little Simon.

The little girl at the foot of the altar is a boy :o). His name is Simon. If i do not mistake, he is 4 years old.S
Simon was present at all the Masses and homilies during the retreat. He already had an exam on catechism in front of the whole congregation. Pity no one filmed it. 👌 🚬
Holy Cannoli
Dear Fr. Nay,
The following are my subjective thoughts and do not reflect objectively on the quality or content of your presentation.
In this talk and in other talks that you have given there has been mention of conversion. However, the conversion you speak about is conversion “to the Church.” Now, some may believe that conversion to the Church automatically means conversion to Christ but I'm not …Więcej
Dear Fr. Nay,

The following are my subjective thoughts and do not reflect objectively on the quality or content of your presentation.

In this talk and in other talks that you have given there has been mention of conversion. However, the conversion you speak about is conversion “to the Church.” Now, some may believe that conversion to the Church automatically means conversion to Christ but I'm not so sure that is true. Have all Church goers been converted to Christ? Are some people who are not formerly part of the Church still Christians in that they are, indeed, followers of Jesus Christ?

In making this point I do not deny that Christ established a Church and gave the apostles and their successors the power to forgive sins. What I am saying is that today is a very difficult time to identify with the Catholic Church on account of the multitude of scandals that have and continue to be visited on her by some of her very own priests and bishops.

Whenever you speak the word “Church” I hear Jesus Christ. By doing this, I have no concerns with the behavior of Church hierarchy. I have no concerns with the criminal behavior, the coverups, the deceit, the refusal to discipline wayward priest and bishops....I have no concerns with these thing since I realize that, although these men who were responsible represent the visible Church, they are not part of the Mystical Body of Christ which although invisible, in my view, actually represents the Church.

Is it more important to be an active member of the Catholic Church or to be a devout follower of Jesus Christ? As we've seen, the two do not always go together.

In conclusion, I would enjoy hearing some practical recommendations for our conversion to Christ. Although your presentation today dealt with some suggestions for our improvement which touched on some of the following, I personally would have preferred the emphasis to have been on seeking Christ and Christ alone. Seeking Him through humility and obedience. Seeking Him through prayer. Seeking Him by reading. Seeking Him through His sacraments. Seeing Him through abandonment. Seeking Him in our neighbor. All the while having confidence in Him and Him alone.

p.s. Including the footage of the little girl at the foot of the altar was an excellent addition to the video. My compliments to the cinematographer

👍 .
Powodzie we Francji, fale upałów w Turcji.
Słuchajcie Mnie teraz. Tego lata nastąpią powodzie w południowej Francji. Fala upałów będzie mieć miejsce w Turcji. Nastąpią inne ekologiczne wydarzenia, które spowodują chaos, w tym trzęsienie ziemi w Anglii (ale nie natychmiast). Niektóre z nich będą miały wpływ na inne kraje europejskie. Oczekujcie wzrostu poziomu morza w rejonie Morza Śródziemnego …Więcej
Powodzie we Francji, fale upałów w Turcji.

Słuchajcie Mnie teraz. Tego lata nastąpią powodzie w południowej Francji. Fala upałów będzie mieć miejsce w Turcji. Nastąpią inne ekologiczne wydarzenia, które spowodują chaos, w tym trzęsienie ziemi w Anglii (ale nie natychmiast). Niektóre z nich będą miały wpływ na inne kraje europejskie. Oczekujcie wzrostu poziomu morza w rejonie Morza Śródziemnego, które zszokuje każdego. Trzęsienia ziemi będą odczuwalne również w Norwegii i w Ameryce Południowej.

Chcę, Moja Córko, ujawnić Ci inne wydarzenia, ale tylko z jednego powodu: dla Nawrócenia Moich Dzieci. W przypadku, gdy zaakceptują, że Ja mówię do nich przez ciebie, przyniesie Mi to radość. Nie mam zamiaru przerażać Moich Dzieci, ale wydarzenia te będą nadal eskalować na świecie, jako część nadchodzącej Wielkiej Kary. Są one niezbędną częścią walki z oszustem.

Módlcie się, Moje Dzieci, aby osłabić i zapobiec tym wydarzeniom, gdyż modlitwa jest niezwykle potężnym środkiem Wybaczenia.

Idźcie teraz w pokoju. Nie obawiajcie się opublikowania tych proroctw, gdyż wydarzenia te nastąpią.

Wasz Zbawiciel

Jezus Chrystus