Lunatics and Heretics. Lunatics versus Heretics. It's killing the faith.More
Lunatics and Heretics.
Lunatics versus Heretics. It's killing the faith.
What is killing the faith is lack of honesty, lack of Sincerity, people unable to see in the mirror and say "I want to go to heaven" we don't ask ourselves that question when we ARE for the world, when we ARE for Jesus we fear God and that fear of God is also Love, because I love God I don't want to sin, because I am sinful man I surrender to Jesus, and because I want to surrender and let Him work …More
What is killing the faith is lack of honesty, lack of Sincerity, people unable to see in the mirror and say "I want to go to heaven" we don't ask ourselves that question when we ARE for the world, when we ARE for Jesus we fear God and that fear of God is also Love, because I love God I don't want to sin, because I am sinful man I surrender to Jesus, and because I want to surrender and let Him work His Mercy through me I embrace His commandments which is Truth, Justice, Mercy and Love; we CAN'T live with just one of those and ignore all others that's nonesense, Love engulf all of those and all Saints did had that, but DID they condone sin? did they condone error?

How can you blast a simple priest by giving communion to biden and pelosi, but the one priest that the majority of the priests look as an example to carry out their duties is doing it too!!!

I love you Michael Voris and I would gladly give my life for you a thousand times, but it does hurt a little when I see a Vortex or News praising Francis as the biggest conservative out there, when it is NO secret that his actions speaks otherwise, I love you my dear brother in Christ and I hope that you get to heaven as a Saint, blessings.

St. Michael the Archangel pray for us. 😇
Clown to the left of me and jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you Michael and am I to assume that you are the enlightened one and know exactly what the "ONE TRUE CHURCH" is ? When are you going to begin to point at the Vatican (Pope) and list the errors (Liberal theology and contrary doctrine)
It is the common man who is faithful to the teaching Magisterium of the Church and who fulfills his obligation both to God, country, and family who both preserves and promotes the Holy Roman Catholic Church by his unsung actions. These are the real men, the cornerstone of Catholicism. After all, did Our Blessed Lord not call the common working class men of his day (Apostles) to make them fishers of men?