
First Sunday of Saint Joseph

The first reflection for the seven Sundays of Saint Joseph. The topics are: Devotion of the Seven Sundays of Saint Joseph; Mission of the father of Jesus; Patron of the Church and the Work. INSPIRATION …More
The first reflection for the seven Sundays of Saint Joseph. The topics are: Devotion of the Seven Sundays of Saint Joseph; Mission of the father of Jesus; Patron of the Church and the Work.
WHEN JESUS, during his public ministry in Galilee, came to preach in the synagogue in his hometown, all those present “were astonished” (Mt 13:54). His fellow townsmen were amazed at the words of someone they had seen grow up in their own squares and streets: “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all this?” (Mt 13:55-56).
Sharing in this holy curiosity to know more about the family in which Jesus grew up, the tradition of the Church has identified in Sacred Scripture seven crucial moments in the life of Saint Joseph. In these seven incidents, as is normal in our life as well, both joy and sorrow are intermixed …More
Melvin Abel Lourenco
Amen 🙏