for those who seek the truth. Already in the 6th chapter of Genesis there are information about the mixing of beings from heaven with human women, resulted with hybrids being born. The word used in …More
for those who seek the truth.
Already in the 6th chapter of Genesis there are information about the mixing of beings from heaven with human women, resulted with hybrids being born. The word used in translations of the Old Testament from Hebrew (giants/giants) is an incorrect translation of the word nephilim meaning fallen, and comes from the word naphal - to fall. They are visually no different from normal people. They were both, before and after the flood. You just need to read the Holy Bible in its entirety to understand... They survived because Japhet's wife was one of them. That's why Ezekiel prophesy against all of Japhets descendants. Out of fear of interbreeding with them, Abraham married his own sister, and virtually all of the 12 tribes of Israel are descended from common ancestors... with the exception of the offspring of Bilhah and Zylpha of unknown origin... This is the history of the world that Jesus Christ spoke about in the parable of the 'wheat and darnel' in the field.…More
FilipekK K
Now we know about who JFK was speaking... famous speach, and why he was killed.