Ave Crux


The Binding Force of Tradition ~ Father Chad Ripperger

In this excellent talk, Father Ripperger explains that not to pass on what has been received from Tradition -- as it was received -- is a violation of Divine Positive Law, and that Tradition has the same binding force upon conscience as Divine precept.

He further explains that "the Magisterium is not permitted to block the passing on of certain doctrines or the Traditions of the Church...the very nature of the Magisterium is to pass on, or to be an instrument of Tradition....to pass on what they have received."

He cites the "standard" that must be used: "antiquity is retained; novelty rejected"

Father cites Church teaching in this matter, Saint Robert Bellarmine and other authorities.

Saint Robert Bellarmine: "Ecclesiastical Traditions or properly called certain ancient customs started either by prelates or the people..obtain force of law. And indeed Traditions have the same force as Divine Precept."

Father furthers sums this up by saying:
"Essentially, refusal to accept what is passed on, as it is passed on, constitutes a violation of divine positive law. It's sinful. If you don't accept Tradition, it's sinful. Those who are entrusted -- that is, the custodians of the mysteries of Christ -- are bound to pass on by precept what they have received. If a custodian -- that is a member of the Magisterium -- refuses to pass on what he has received, then he sins. If he modifies or alters it, he sins.....every form of Tradition commands our respect and veneration....[since] all simple apostolic and ecclesiastical Traditions are based on a supernatural power and authority."

YOUTUBE VIDEO LINK: The Binding Force of Tradition

For those who may not know Father Ripperger, Father is an exorcist and founded a Traditional Order of Exorcists:
Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother.