Italian ‘hot priest’ calendar models aren’t priests at all Sacrilege! Italian ‘hot priest’ calendar models aren’t priests at all ( It is one of Italy’s best-selling souvenirs – a calendar …More
Italian ‘hot priest’ calendar models aren’t priests at all
Sacrilege! Italian ‘hot priest’ calendar models aren’t priests at all (

It is one of Italy’s best-selling souvenirs – a calendar depicting handsome young Catholic prelates, popularly known as “the hot priest calendar”.

But the photographer who took the images for the A4-sized calendar has admitted that hardly any of the cassock-wearing hunks are really priests. Some were models, while others were just ordinary men who agreed to pose for him, he said.

Piero Pazzi told Il Post, an Italian newspaper: “It’s true, they are not all priests, but the intention was to give a profile to priests as a symbol of Rome, which owes so much to the Vatican and the Catholic Church in general.”

The flip calendar, costing around €8 (£7) and officially known as the Calendario Romano, can be found in souvenir shops and kiosks all over Rome, where it jostles for space with baseball caps, fridge magnets, Swiss Guard model soldiers and aprons bearing the genitalia of Michelangelo’s David.
Don’t tell Kissy. It’ll throw him into clinical depression.