
Medjugorie: Heresies, Fake Miracles and Contradictions

Father Manfred Hauke, a professor of theology in Lugano, Switzerland, has criticised the Medjugorie phenomenon and its handling by the Vatican in an interview with Gloria.tv (August 27).

The most important historical witness for the apparitions are tape recordings containing interviews with the seers and recordings during the first apparitions (June 27 to 30, 1981).

But this key source was ignored by the Vatican's Medjugorie commission which is headed by Cardinal Camillo Ruini. Nevertheless, the Ruini commission recommended a recognition of precisely those apparitions which happened during this time span.

In the apparitions the Vatican wants to recognise, the "Gospa" promised on June 29 that she would continue to appear “as long as you want”. But a day later she stated that she would appear only three more times.

Also on June 29 the "Gospa" promised to heal the paralysed three-year old Daniel Setka but the announced miracle never happened.

During the Vatican approved apparitions the "Gospa" showed most unusual attributes. Her hands trembled and she was laughing. She allowed the seers to touch her but felt like “steel”. A seer complained about getting ice-cold hands.

The "Gospa" also spread heresies. On Mai, 6 1982 she said that the saints are with body and soul in heaven. On October 1, 1981, she claimed that “for God all religions are equal…”

On January 14, 1985, a Medjugorje supporter, Jean-Louis Martin, was present at an apparitions with Vicka who is one of the seers. At a certain point, Martin moved his fingers towards Vicka's eyes who allegedly was in ecstasy. But Vicka jerked and moved her head backward.

Later, Vicka explained her reaction with the fact that she wanted to catch baby Jesus who was falling from the "Gospa"'s hands. But Martin replied to her: “Why, then, did you move backward and not forward?”

Hauke has therefore arguments to believe that the first apparitions derived "from evil spirits" whose fruits have been "disobedience", "lies" and other "moral failings”.
