
Garabandal seer answers 48 questions about the Warning and Miracle including updated commentary by '…

Garabandal's Seer Conchita Answers 48 Questions Regarding the Warning and the Miracle! Note: On June 18, 2014 Joseph Lomangino died after suffering a heart attack. The Holy Virgins promise that Joey …More
Garabandal's Seer Conchita Answers 48 Questions Regarding the Warning and the Miracle!
On June 18, 2014 Joseph Lomangino died after suffering a heart attack.
The Holy Virgins promise that Joey will receive 'new eyes' on the day of The Great Miracle is consistent with the supernatural aspect of that event and still stands. The Church will declare its final decision on the apparitions following the fulfillment of the major prophecies.
Further Comment:
The Miracle and Joey’s new eyes AN OPINION.
Many commentators have presented explanations in an attempt to explain away the restoration of Joey's new eyes.
Points for consideration; accepting the supernatural aspect of the promised Miracle: At all times while in ecstasy, the girls were aware of the physical presence of the Holy Virgin who frequently cradled the infant Jesus in Her arms and with whom the visionaries could engage in normal conversation about every day life. Its important for us to understand that throughout those ecstasies …
There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of those involved. That being said,
(1) Joey is dead and didn't get eyes. Some Garabandal Champions say that will happen after the Miracle.
(2) After death, Fr Luis Andreu's body was supposed to be found incorrupt. It was not found so. Then a Seer refined her comments to say “I had a locution in which I was told that on the day after the miracle your …More
There is no reason to doubt the sincerity of those involved. That being said,

(1) Joey is dead and didn't get eyes. Some Garabandal Champions say that will happen after the Miracle.
(2) After death, Fr Luis Andreu's body was supposed to be found incorrupt. It was not found so. Then a Seer refined her comments to say “I had a locution in which I was told that on the day after the miracle your brother (Fr. Luis Andreu) would be removed from his grave and his body would be intact.”

Signs are given BEFORE an event to help us believe in the veracity of the vision. After the purported event occurs, we won't need any signs.

I don't need anything more than Fatima.
@laurelmarycecilia Thank you for your comment.
Two points:
1.0 The matters you raise apply to events resulting from the Great Miracle.
2.0 Garabandal is a continuation of Fatima - applied to our times
and not a contradiction of it.