Priest given community service for ringing church bells

Etching of Quasimodo from Victor Hugo's "Hunchback of Notre Dame"

Priest given community service for ringing church bells

A parish priest has been sentenced to 30 hours community service for disturbing parishioners with his church bells.

Locals living near the church in the Polish town of Lewin said they has been plagued by the bells since 2009 when Father Andrzej Wrobel installed an automatic system that rang the balls every hour and half-hour through the night, and could also play hymns as dawn broke.

"The noise was so loud you couldn't sleep," one Lewin resident told Polish radio, while another said the bells frightened children and made dogs howl.

The court handed down the sentence after Father Wrobel ignored requests from locals and the police to cease the cacophony, and also dismissed his claim that most people in the town favoured the regular tolling.

The ringing of Church bells is, I should hasten to add only considered to be noise by the people who are complaining about the ringing of Church bells. Personally, I prefer the tolling of a large solitary bell and find this much more appealing. Our parish priest gets exercise pulling the bell rope.
In most cases of neighbors complaining about noise from church bells et c., this problem could be solved by the houses of the neighbors having sufficient proper accoustic insulation. This might cost some money. Another solution would be to have virtual bell ringing from the church that can only be accessed on the Internet.
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A. Principe

1 Peter 3:
15 But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, being ready always to satisfy every one that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you.