Italian police have 200 page document detailing the secrets of the Vatican Bank

Italian police have 200 page document detailing the secrets of the Vatican Bank

A comprehensive dossier the fired head of the "Institute for Religious Works" – the Vatican Bank- airs his frustration. The Vatican tried to stop Italian prosecutors from further investigating.

No snooping! With just a brief explanation, the Vatican wanted to prevent Italian prosecutors from deepening their investigation of the Vatican Bank, the "Institute for Religious Works" (IOR).

It is a sovereign state whose internationally guaranteed rights must be respected, the Vatican notes. The fear of the Vatican is no accident.

The public prosecutor in Rome, is now hoping to be able to clarify some dirty money scandals thanks to Gotti Tedeschi's notes.

In the train of the investigations, 23 million euros of the IOR have been seized: the origin and purpose of these funds which have to be assigned according to international regulations against money laundering is not sufficiently clear, as it was disclosed in September 2010.

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A. Principe

1 Peter 3:
15 But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, being ready always to satisfy every one that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you.