
Wuerl To "Discuss" Acceptance of Retirement With Francis

Liberal Washington Cardinal Donald Wuerl will "discuss" with Pope Francis the acceptance of his retirement he presented in November 2015 when he turned 75 according to a September 11 letter to his priests. Francis refused Wuerl’s original offer because he forces only Catholic leaning cardinals into a quick retirement.

Wuerl is under fire because he allegedly "mishandled" homosexual abuse cases.

The present abuse hysteria in the U.S. media is not backed up by new facts but by an anti-Catholic bias of the oligarch media and the inability of the cowardly bishops to defend the Church.

For decades, the Catholic Church has been one of the safest environments for children and youth in America.

Maudie N Mandeville
Doesn't matter to Francis. He's got a "lobby" full of replacements.
Do Not Try And Soft-Pedal WUERL It Will Not Work!
Dr Bobus
The present abuse hysteria in the U.S. media is not backed up by new facts but by an anti-Catholic bias of the oligarch media . . .
That sounds like something Francis would say. In fact, the secular media has said very little about the present crisis.
About 20 years ago a priest at a local parish told me: If the laity ever finds out what is happening in the Church, there will be hell to pay.
The …More
The present abuse hysteria in the U.S. media is not backed up by new facts but by an anti-Catholic bias of the oligarch media . . .

That sounds like something Francis would say. In fact, the secular media has said very little about the present crisis.

About 20 years ago a priest at a local parish told me: If the laity ever finds out what is happening in the Church, there will be hell to pay.

The laity now knows a lot about what has been happening. Clowns like McQueerick and his lap buddies were protected and promoted.

The Church is not supposed to be one of the safest places for children. It is supposed to be a place where parents can entrust their children to priests and religious to learn about Christ's Church.

The Church is also not supposed to be a haven for sodomites..