Hugh N. Cry
It “Ain’t” Raining. These bishops are relieving themselves on our backs and telling us it’s raining. “Taken out of context” has been used too many times. Was pachamama worship taken out of context?More
It “Ain’t” Raining.

These bishops are relieving themselves on our backs and telling us it’s raining. “Taken out of context” has been used too many times. Was pachamama worship taken out of context?
Bishop Paprocki needs to review the Canon Law Of The Catholic Church. Canon Law 2358 states: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be …More
Bishop Paprocki needs to review the Canon Law Of The Catholic Church. Canon Law 2358 states: "The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."

Thus, yes, it is the law of the Catholic Church that we do not discriminate against them in an unjust manner. Canon Law does NOT even mention whether we should "alienate" them or not. Likewise Canon Law does NOT state we have a duty not to discriminate against them at all.

Canon Law most clearly qualifies the nature of discrimination, namely unjust discrimination. Discrimination that is just is entirely lawful.

I would suggest, as an example, preventing the loathesome creatures from infecting our children with their pernicious, degenerate, twisted notions of sexuality and gender. Likewise, denying the ghastly fiends any access to anyone under the legal age of voting whatsoever. Not as day-care workers, not as teachers, not as librarians, not as janitors or service staff in schools, not as bus-drivers, not in any capacity where they may have an opportunity to prey upon or groom the innocent as they invariably do given the first opportunity.
Alex A
"A sodomite is a sodomite and by any other name he/she is still a sodomite." Should they take offence with such a 'title', then the best way not to take offence is to stop being a sodomite.
Well, if we want to get picky, many *ehem* homosexal women don't engage in sodomy. ;-) I'll leave the topic dangling there lest the specifics lead Col. Buckshot astray in his many on-going struggles with purity. Personally, most of the homosexual women I've seen round these parts are middle-aged, saggy, overweight things. Speculating, even idly, about two of them in bed is one of the strongest …More
Well, if we want to get picky, many *ehem* homosexal women don't engage in sodomy. ;-) I'll leave the topic dangling there lest the specifics lead Col. Buckshot astray in his many on-going struggles with purity. Personally, most of the homosexual women I've seen round these parts are middle-aged, saggy, overweight things. Speculating, even idly, about two of them in bed is one of the strongest appetite suppressants I've ever found. :D
Alex A
@Ultraviolet Touche!