Saint Joseph: one word is important. Father Reto Nay 19th of March 2015More
Saint Joseph: one word is important.
Father Reto Nay
19th of March 2015
Wish I had viewed this sooner!
Thank you Father Nay..
St. Joseph : Pray for usMore
Wish I had viewed this sooner!
Thank you Father Nay..

St. Joseph : Pray for us
Gloria Thomas
Thank you Father Ney! Our Lady did not conceive out of wed-lock because she is the paragon of the Bride of Christ, which is the Church! Her union with God is that for which all marriage is but an analogy. What does the Law have to say about that? The whole Law is only for stepping stones to arrive at the union of our souls to God. But the Blessed Virgin in her conception is already where the Law is …More
Thank you Father Ney! Our Lady did not conceive out of wed-lock because she is the paragon of the Bride of Christ, which is the Church! Her union with God is that for which all marriage is but an analogy. What does the Law have to say about that? The whole Law is only for stepping stones to arrive at the union of our souls to God. But the Blessed Virgin in her conception is already where the Law is only going, that is, in God as God is in her.