Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Andrew. The Australians Get Ready Australia An ordinariate for Anglicans entering the Church will be in place in Australia by Easter of 2011, according to Bishop …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Andrew.

The Australians Get Ready


An ordinariate for Anglicans entering the Church will be in place in Australia by Easter of 2011, according to Bishop Peter Elliott. Bishop Elliott is a Melbourne auxiliary. Years ago, he used to live in the same small Roman house as Fr Reto Nay from Gloria.TV. Bishop Elliott is handling relations with Anglicans who seek to enter the Church. He reports that the Australian ordinariate will emerge “maybe a few months later” than the first such structure, which is expected in England in January.

Pope Against Death Penalty


Yesterday Pope Benedict met with the first group of bishops from the Philippines on their Ad Limina visit. In his address Pope Benedict commended the Church in the Philippines “for seeking to play its part in support of human life from conception until natural death, and in defence of the integrity of marriage and the family”. He noted with appreciation the Church’s work to abolish the death penalty in the country.

Stem Cells From Umbilical Cord Cure Leukemia


Doctors associated with the German umbilical cord blood bank Vita 34 say that they have cured a child’s leukemia completely. They used an infusion of stem cells from umbilical cord blood. The procedure was reportedly performed in 2005 on a four-year-old girl whose chemotherapy treatment had failed. The girl had a prognosis of only three months to live. The procedure was possible because the parents had decided to preserve their child’s umbilical cord blood at the time of birth. After continuous monitoring of the child for five years now doctors say that they have confirmed that the treatment worked.

Great Reception For the Cardinal

Sri Lanka

At his return to Sri Lanka, last Saturday, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith was greeted by the Prime Minister of the country. Large crowds flocked at the airport and also on both sides of the road to witness the event. The Cardinal was later transported towards the Basilica of Our Lady of Sri Lanka in a vehicle that was constructed for the event. Later he reached Colombo with a special motor parade.
Tout à fait d'accord, la cardinalmobile est une merveilleuse expression de l'Eglise qui - après la victoire du Christ - a tout le droit d'être une Eglise "triumphans".
😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁More
Tout à fait d'accord, la cardinalmobile est une merveilleuse expression de l'Eglise qui - après la victoire du Christ - a tout le droit d'être une Eglise "triumphans".

😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁
Don Henri
J'adore la "cardinalmobile" de SE Mgr. Ranjith!
I like the "cardinalmobile" of His Grace the Cardinal Archbishop Ranjith!
👏 😀
Pax et Bonum
😊 (et vinum!)More
J'adore la "cardinalmobile" de SE Mgr. Ranjith!
I like the "cardinalmobile" of His Grace the Cardinal Archbishop Ranjith!
👏 😀

Pax et Bonum
😊 (et vinum!)