Jan.Pawel.II.Ceremonia.pogrzebowa.-.8.04.2005-Watykan cz2 Telewizyjna transmisja z pogrzebu Jana Pawła II 8.04.2005.-.WatykanWięcej
Jan.Pawel.II.Ceremonia.pogrzebowa.-.8.04.2005-Watykan cz2
Telewizyjna transmisja z pogrzebu Jana Pawła II
Papiez kiedy umarl mial 85 lat [8+5=13]
Godzina smierci: 21:37 [2+1+3+7=13]
Data smierci:02.04.2005 [0+2+0+4+2+0+0+5=13]
Postrzelony 13 Maja
9301 dni pontyfikatu [9+3+0+1=13]
Zmarl w 13 tygodniu roku.
JAN PAWEL DRUGI - 13 liter
Papiez kiedy umarl mial 85 lat [8+5=13]
Godzina smierci: 21:37 [2+1+3+7=13]
Data smierci:02.04.2005 [0+2+0+4+2+0+0+5=13]
Postrzelony 13 Maja
9301 dni pontyfikatu [9+3+0+1=13]
Zmarl w 13 tygodniu roku.
JAN PAWEL DRUGI - 13 liter

Thank you brother Ryszard for posting this video.
I have been looking such a long time for the prayers of our brothers from the united eastern rites at the end of the ceremony (~46,44) . I was there in Rome that Friday in April 2005 and while listening to their prayers finally I could not stop my tears.
I love and will never forget JP2!
(sorry, I don't speak polish)
In Christ
bohnenbluete from …Więcej
Thank you brother Ryszard for posting this video.

I have been looking such a long time for the prayers of our brothers from the united eastern rites at the end of the ceremony (~46,44) . I was there in Rome that Friday in April 2005 and while listening to their prayers finally I could not stop my tears.

I love and will never forget JP2!

(sorry, I don't speak polish)

In Christ
bohnenbluete from Germany