If Only John the Baptist Had Known a Non-Ritualised, Spontaneous Blessing for An "Irregular Couple"! Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsQqiebkyaweMore
If Only John the Baptist Had Known a Non-Ritualised, Spontaneous Blessing for An "Irregular Couple"!
Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsQqiebkyawe
Denis Efimov
Yes, even demons have positive elements - an angelic nature that they have retained. However, as St. Thomas Aquinas beautifully explains, we do not love demons. Likewise, for example, we do not respect different religions in which there are “seeds of the word,” since these elements of truth are not the soul in them, but are the handmaidens of error.
la verdad prevalece
According to Bergoglio and his accomplice homosexual activist Víctor Manuel Fernández, Jesus forgot to bless the "positive elements" of the Samaritan woman's continued sinful relationship of adultery. Let these apostates explain the "positive elements" to the children of divorced parents. Let them explain why their father abandoned them to have sex with another woman.
Vincent Capuano
Novena - Oremus
Rorate's Christmas Chat With Friend
- Is it possible they don’t believe in anything?
- You mean, in the Vatican?
- Yes.
- It’s almost certain. They don’t believe in anything serious.
- Just in gay “couples”.
- Right. They live in a kind of institutional paralysis:they need the “power”…More
Rorate's Christmas Chat With Friend

- Is it possible they don’t believe in anything?
- You mean, in the Vatican?
- Yes.
- It’s almost certain. They don’t believe in anything serious.
- Just in gay “couples”.
- Right. They live in a kind of institutional paralysis:they need the “power”…