Bishop Williamson to be expelled from SSPX?

Photo ~ Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson

Bishop Williamson to be expelled from SSPX?

Citing a report on the German internet site, Andrea Tornielli of La Stampa says that Bishop Williamson could be expelled from the SSPX for continued acts of disobedience. In defiance of SSPX statutes, Bishop Williamson recently traveled to Brazil to administer the sacrament of Confirmation without approval from his superiors in the society.

He has also continued to produce a newsletter, in defiance of orders from Bishop Bernard Fellay, the SSPX leader.

Bishop Williamson has caused headaches for the SSPX and for the Vatican with his public statements, especially his statements questioning the severity of the Holocaust.

He has also been an outspoken opponent of efforts to reconcile the SSPX with the Holy See.

If he is dismissed from the SSPX, Bishop Williamson would almost certainly take some priests and lay people with him, forming a separate organization. Such a development could complicate Vatican discussions with the traditionalist group.

On the other hand, such a rift could mean the departure from the SSPX of the most vociferous opponents of accommodation with the Vatican, leaving the remaining group closer to reconciliation.
william xucla
The problem with bishop Williamson is that he is a convert from the Anglican church and never fully learned the well ingrained tradition of the subserviance even a bishop is supposed to have to his superiors, in the Catholic church...disobedience to ones heirarchy is also a violation of the 4th Commandment of God...
John Rathowen
Bishop Fellay is naive and does not realise that if he expels Bishop Williamson he will be doing exactly what some people truly want. Without + Williamson he, Fellay, will be weaker and will fall into the trap already prepared for him. Pride and arrogance always precede a fall and Bernard Fellay has both in abundance. Che sera, sera.