John Rathowen
John Rathowen

Traditional Catholic Baptism. The baptism of Isabella and Colin according to the traditional Rite of …

Treasure Priests like this! Pray for Priests like this. Pray that God will sustain him and keep him faithful. Treasure Priests like this! ✍️ 🤐
John Rathowen

Bishop Williamson: "Fellay is starting to weasel around"

Yes, true, but where is 'Peter'? Is Peter now a Modernist, one who is a follower of the Syllabus of Errors, one who is at home with the synthesis of all errors? No, Peter is Peter and a modernist heretic is a modernist heretic. So where is Peter. I see only a follower of Vatican II......
John Rathowen

Bishop Williamson to be expelled from SSPX?

Bishop Fellay is naive and does not realise that if he expels Bishop Williamson he will be doing exactly what some people truly want. Without + Williamson he, Fellay, will be weaker and will fall into the trap already prepared for him. Pride and arrogance always precede a fall and Bernard Fellay has both in abundance. Che sera, sera.