Bishop Williamson: "Fellay is starting to weasel around" Bishop Richard Williamson accuses the SSPX Superior General of "weaselling around" on religious liberty. From an address to English supporters …More
Bishop Williamson: "Fellay is starting to weasel around"
Bishop Richard Williamson accuses the SSPX Superior General of "weaselling around" on religious liberty. From an address to English supporters in anticipation of 2012's General Chapter.
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FSSPX Strikte Observanz.
Sammlung der besten, wichtigsten Beiträge auf zum Thema: Widerstand in (und außerhalb) der FSSPX gegen ein Abkommen mit Rom ohne vorausgehende doktrinelle Bekehrung Roms zur Lehre wie sie bis zum II. Vatikanum unveränderbar festgeschrieben war.More
FSSPX Strikte Observanz.

Sammlung der besten, wichtigsten Beiträge auf zum Thema: Widerstand in (und außerhalb) der FSSPX gegen ein Abkommen mit Rom ohne vorausgehende doktrinelle Bekehrung Roms zur Lehre wie sie bis zum II. Vatikanum unveränderbar festgeschrieben war.
Did not the Lord Jesus say: “That thou art Peter; and upon
this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall
not prevail against it”?
Only a protestant would disagree.
John Rathowen
Yes, true, but where is 'Peter'? Is Peter now a Modernist, one who is a follower of the Syllabus of Errors, one who is at home with the synthesis of all errors? No, Peter is Peter and a modernist heretic is a modernist heretic. So where is Peter. I see only a follower of Vatican II......
Ben Martin
What would the Church be like without Traditional groups like SSPX calling the modernist Rome into check and questioning their heresy?
You guys surely don't do anything, (your part of problem) you just go along with any wolf in bishops clothing that smiles and talks nice.
You would having women priest, Masses with no communion, Belly Dancing Mass---it would be much worst than the punk you see today …More
What would the Church be like without Traditional groups like SSPX calling the modernist Rome into check and questioning their heresy?

You guys surely don't do anything, (your part of problem) you just go along with any wolf in bishops clothing that smiles and talks nice.

You would having women priest, Masses with no communion, Belly Dancing Mass---it would be much worst than the punk you see today--that you still call Catholic. 🤨

Thank God for SSPX---otherwise we would all be one foot out of Hell.
Ben Martin
Candlestick---in the fold of what a heretical hierarchy and foreign faith?
You can have it. Go ahead be in communion with heretics—but the very point of SSPX existence was to resist these heretics and their heretical teachings.
What have they gains do so all these years---to give in and to be dissolved and destroyed like the many other Traditional groups who came back into the modernist polluted …More
Candlestick---in the fold of what a heretical hierarchy and foreign faith?
You can have it. Go ahead be in communion with heretics—but the very point of SSPX existence was to resist these heretics and their heretical teachings.
What have they gains do so all these years---to give in and to be dissolved and destroyed like the many other Traditional groups who came back into the modernist polluted pool of faith—they become just a color in the rainbows of faith available in the new church-0--not one, but many.

Christ said that is not Catholicism—you may think it is, but you’re not Christ. ☕
Ben Martin, the SSPX has recovered its profound unity
as a result of Bishop Fellay being successfully brought
back into the fold. Do not be distressed, the SSPX will
join sedevacantists such as yourself in the wilderness.
Ben Martin
Absorbed and be destroyed by V2 trickery –is Romes plans
Bye Bye SSPX you never will be a threat again in the future—the devils are deceiving again, do not be fooled by the modernist of Rome. You are walking into their trap
What will SSPX gain by going back to the Modernist?
Destroy the beacon of light and the torch of the faith that puts a spotlights on the evils that come from the new church and …More
Absorbed and be destroyed by V2 trickery –is Romes plans
Bye Bye SSPX you never will be a threat again in the future—the devils are deceiving again, do not be fooled by the modernist of Rome. You are walking into their trap

What will SSPX gain by going back to the Modernist?
Destroy the beacon of light and the torch of the faith that puts a spotlights on the evils that come from the new church and new religion formed after V2---for the modernist want to destroy all that SSPX stands for. They baited them with Extraordianry form of the Mass--but it is the cheese on the Muto Trap.

Nothing has changed in Councilor Church theology—they still hold that those that are faithful to the Catholic Faith need to be destroyed and punished. 🤮
To bardzo smutne, ze wsrod kaplanow, ktorzy przez posluge Chrystusowi w szczegolnej relacji do Tradycji Kosciola znajduja miejsce tacy jak bp Williamson. To czlowiek wyzuty z ducha kaplanskiego. Plujac na bpa Fellaya, przelozonego generalnego, i jego starania o polaczenie z Kosciolem rzymskim, stawia sie w jednym rzadzie z Judaszem. Epitety, widoczna ogromna pycha tego czlowieka i brak Bozego ducha …More
To bardzo smutne, ze wsrod kaplanow, ktorzy przez posluge Chrystusowi w szczegolnej relacji do Tradycji Kosciola znajduja miejsce tacy jak bp Williamson. To czlowiek wyzuty z ducha kaplanskiego. Plujac na bpa Fellaya, przelozonego generalnego, i jego starania o polaczenie z Kosciolem rzymskim, stawia sie w jednym rzadzie z Judaszem. Epitety, widoczna ogromna pycha tego czlowieka i brak Bozego ducha dyskwalifikuja go do rzedu zdrajow kierunku Bractwa Kaplanskiegi i bpa Lefebre'a.