November 10 - Saint Leo the Great breski1 Pope and Doctor of the Church (†461) St. Leo was born in Rome. He was appointed archdeacon of the Roman Church by St. Celestine and led together with Pope …More
November 10 - Saint Leo the Great breski1
Pope and Doctor of the Church

St. Leo was born in Rome. He was appointed archdeacon of the Roman Church by St. Celestine and led together with Pope Sixtus III. When Pope Sixtus passed away, Leo was elected Pope. The ceremony took place on St. Michael's day, 440, amid great joy.
At the time, there was great unrest. Vandals and Huns were invading the provinces of the empire, and Nestorians, Pelagians, and other heretics wreaked havoc among souls. While Pope Leo guided the Church through these perils, the heresy of Eutyches erupted, and challenged the two natures of Christ. Pope Leo responded by proclaiming the true doctrine of the Incarnation, but the heresy gained a strong hold among Eastern monks and bishops through the Byzantine court. After three years of toil, Pope Leo brought about the heresy's solemn condemnation at the Council of Chalcedon, the Fathers all signing his tome and exclaiming, "Peter hath spoken by Leo."
Soon after, Attila …More
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