Repeating History. Available on CD, DVD or MP3 By Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. Repeating History: Vincible Ignorance and Useful Tools From 2014 SBC ConferenceMore
Repeating History.
Available on CD, DVD or MP3
By Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M.
Repeating History: Vincible Ignorance and Useful Tools
From 2014 SBC Conference
Sister Maria Philomena is, in this video, speaking about historical lessons. She is, among other things, a history teacher. She is not now, nor ever will be, involved in “public politics.” (I am competent to say this.) Commenting on lessons learned from history about statecraft and polity is hardly involving oneself in the often dirty business of public politics.
In advising her to stay out of t.v …More
Sister Maria Philomena is, in this video, speaking about historical lessons. She is, among other things, a history teacher. She is not now, nor ever will be, involved in “public politics.” (I am competent to say this.) Commenting on lessons learned from history about statecraft and polity is hardly involving oneself in the often dirty business of public politics.

In advising her to stay out of t.v., do you mean to say that a Catholic Sister may not give a lecture that is shown in a video on the Internet? Or do you mean something else?
On Guard
Sister, teach this in the classroom, etc. etc....... but, please stay out of public politics and t.v.
We need Holy nuns who can be examples of humility and Faith.
God bless you in your efforts and may you find the nitch you are looking for.