Obama: Abortion Should be "save" In an exclusive TODAY interview US President Barrack Obama weighed in briefly and sarcasticely on the trial of Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell is …More
Obama: Abortion Should be "save"
In an exclusive TODAY interview US President Barrack Obama weighed in briefly and sarcasticely on the trial of Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell.
Gosnell is accused in the deaths of seven allegedly viable unborn children and a pregnant woman.
Obama is possessed by SATAN.
Only on this way we can understand his statement about barbaric acts of abortion.
It is like to say:
Nazi Germans were OK because in clean and controlled manner they "cleaned this world" from Slavic, Jews, Gypsy and sick people.
Obama just before left Oval Office, introduced satanism in America school system.
Together with Clinton's and Bushes he created big Triangle …More
Obama is possessed by SATAN.
Only on this way we can understand his statement about barbaric acts of abortion.
It is like to say:
Nazi Germans were OK because in clean and controlled manner they "cleaned this world" from Slavic, Jews, Gypsy and sick people.
Obama just before left Oval Office, introduced satanism in America school system.
Together with Clinton's and Bushes he created big Triangle of SATANISM.
Hay Zeus
Legalizing it has certainly made it rare, right Obama? You have no spine to defend human life! Wield to the powers that be.