
Cardinal: Hell Is Real

“There are people who don't want us to talk of hell”, former Curial Cardinal Francis Arinze told Lifesitenews.com on May 14th, pointing out that Christ talks in the Gospel about hell, “He spoke of those who would be punished forever.”

According to Arinze the problem of hell is not solved “by saying that it frightens little children”. He compares this to a student who deceives himself into believing that there is no examination at the end of the year so he can forgo studying, “It is of no use saying there will be no exam. There will be.”

Picture: Francis Arinze, © UK in Holy See, CC BY-NC, #newsDzmxzdtgms
Does hell exist? Clara’s vision of Annette in Hell – TESTIMONY. ocistec-purgatory.weebly.com/hell-exists.html
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