New Times Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsNcwhwqqypfMore
New Times

Picture: © gloria.tv, CC BY-ND, #newsNcwhwqqypf
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio has been defined even by his own compatriots as a psychopath
Bergoglio has an 'unstable personality' 'similar to Marcial Maciel'
la verdad prevalece
Mons. Adriano Bernardini, who was nuncio in Argentina, defined Bergoglio as a “man sick with power.”
Great Cartoon! See how Christ (Divine Son of the Most High God) gets the bare wooden frame, whereas Francis (a mere mortal sinner) has something gilt and costly looking. This hits the nail on the head.
The godless broke into Our Lord's Sacred Temples, robbed them of all their finery and sold it all! Saying "Jesus doesn't WANT them to look like that."
Yet, the truth is that He WANTS to be SEEN by …More
Great Cartoon! See how Christ (Divine Son of the Most High God) gets the bare wooden frame, whereas Francis (a mere mortal sinner) has something gilt and costly looking. This hits the nail on the head.

The godless broke into Our Lord's Sacred Temples, robbed them of all their finery and sold it all! Saying "Jesus doesn't WANT them to look like that."

Yet, the truth is that He WANTS to be SEEN by His Servants as being WORTHY of that!

Award Him the most reverent Sacred Art and the most exquisite Sacred music, dressed Altars and floral bouquets. Submit to Him our best. Surround His Tabernacles with awe-inspiring beauty - and Priests should dress as if they truly believe that they are ministering before the Most Powerful Magnificent True and HOLY God. (which they are!)
Meanwhile the houses of the rest of mankind get more and more opulent so that they now begin to resemble Temples.

It's alright for the poor to give Him all they can afford, but His Church, with all it's wealth - is expected to give Him something more spectacular!

Yes Christ is HUMBLE - but woe to those who seek to Humiliate Him or make Him appear undervalued and unappreciated in the eyes of those outside the Church.
The way of Lennon.