Tom Jones

When people campaign for death

They eventually loose self control. Pro-Abortion Vandals Target Ohio Catholic Churches and Schools Before Issue 1 Vote Do not give up the fight. Confess your sins, do penance, Go to Mass, Pray, and …More
They eventually loose self control.
Pro-Abortion Vandals Target Ohio Catholic Churches and Schools Before Issue 1 Vote
Do not give up the fight.
Confess your sins, do penance, Go to Mass, Pray, and offer your pro life efforts to God as reparation for Sin.
Please Campaign for Life these last two days and the outcome is still in doubt.
Door to Door Campaigning Tips
Tom Jones shares this
My husband and I voted this weekend. We have never felt so alone, beaten by the large groups we seen. We voted for life but see what we are up against. It is so scary. God have mercy on us poor sinners. St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle... Amen.
Tom Jones
It will be a long struggle to regain what has been lost.
I am praying for a miracle. The fact is that the enemy will continue to use these State Constitutional Amendments to advance his diabolic agenda. These Constitutional Amendment requirements were likely written prior to women's suffrage. With the "weaker vessel" voting, it will be difficult to stop the enemy's agenda. His method has not changed since Eve in the Garden.