Boy's Chivalry Camp – Makes Catholic Mothers Rejoice, but Feminists Rage. Yes, real men oppose abortion. Please sign our petition to defund Planned Parenthood, here: tfpstudentaction.org/petitions/…More
Boy's Chivalry Camp – Makes Catholic Mothers Rejoice, but Feminists Rage.
Yes, real men oppose abortion. Please sign our petition to defund Planned Parenthood, here:
TFP Call to Chivalry camps are a great experience for young Catholic men and their dads.
For decades, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has run camps for Catholic boys throughout the U.S. every year. TFP volunteers organize the camp with the intention of forming young men who embrace heroic virtue, promote the social Kingship of Christ in a chaotic world, and stand up for the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church.
#Chivalry #camp
Site: tfpstudentaction.org
Instagram: instagram.com/tfpstudentaction/ Facebook: facebook.com/login/ Twitter: twitter.com/tfpsa
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