Candace Owens called out British TV host Piers Morgan in a Wednesday interview for having castigated COVID shot skeptics during the viral outbreak because “people died” due to so-called “vaccines” …More
Candace Owens called out British TV host Piers Morgan in a Wednesday interview for having castigated COVID shot skeptics during the viral outbreak because “people died” due to so-called “vaccines” they believed were safe.

Referring to such journalists, which Owens suggested included Morgan himself, she said, “They don’t take risks, they deliver the government talking points, and then they move once it kind of becomes OK to question the government.” She pointed out that such pundits would even accuse the unvaccinated of killing people themselves, and now some have regrets about things they’ve said about the COVID shot.
Owens asked Morgan if he was “still standing by” his claims that people who did not get the vaccine were stupid. In fact, Morgan had frequently denounced those who didn’t vaccinate or mask during the COVID outbreak as both “stupid” and “selfish.” For example, he once wrote, “‘I’ve got no problem with those refusing to have the Covid vaccines, so long as they have no problem with history recording them as selfish pricks who only cared about themselves in a global pandemic.”
Carol H
Piers Morgan may be pompous but he is intelligent. And he respects strength of character. I think if we included Mr. Morgan in our prayers, we would have a "convert" joining the ranks :)
It's about time someone called out this pompous arse. Why does anyone care about a British citizen giving opinions about US policy? Also let's not forget he castigated those who chose not to be injected with the kill shot. Of course no one can question Israel's policy on exterminating Palastinians. BTW there are Christian Palastinians being slaughtered, even if a small percentage. Zionism is the …More
It's about time someone called out this pompous arse. Why does anyone care about a British citizen giving opinions about US policy? Also let's not forget he castigated those who chose not to be injected with the kill shot. Of course no one can question Israel's policy on exterminating Palastinians. BTW there are Christian Palastinians being slaughtered, even if a small percentage. Zionism is the scourge of the world, and unfortunately most of our politicians bow to it, including Trump.
Maria delos Angeles
Interesting. Piers has that multiple vaxxed look about him of having feasted on baby flesh and God only knows what else besides possible demonic ingredients..; no getting away from that look that shows in the faces of those who should know better. Piers is a Catholic. It shows you up.