Gloria.TV News on the 6th of November 2014 Problematic Theology: Baptist pastor Wallace Henley has cited Pope Francis’ claims that the Church must not want “to close herself within the written word …More
Gloria.TV News on the 6th of November 2014

Problematic Theology: Baptist pastor Wallace Henley has cited Pope Francis’ claims that the Church must not want “to close herself within the written word not allowing herself to be surprised by God." Henley writes: “The Pope seems not to understand biblical authority, inferring that God has some "surprises" from beyond the "written word." Apparently, the revelation of God through the Bible is not the final word for Francis, and the Church needs to be on the look-out for some "new things", as he put it elsewhere.”

Sadness Not Derision: Henley writes that he has admiration and love for the Catholic Church and is inspired by the Pope’s passion for incarnational ministry. Quote: “Were it not for those doctrinal barriers focused on critical issues like authority (it's really distressing when the Pope himself has an apparent problem with the authority of the "written word"!) and the doctrine of salvation I would run, not walk, «home to Rome». Thus when I write about what I regard as the Pope's mistaken progressivism I do so with sadness not derision.”

Disturbing: Henley writes that evangelicals seeking to uphold biblical teachings about reverence for life, marriage, and sexuality have always felt they were allied strongly with the Catholic Church. While many mainline Protestants actually went over to the other side, priests and nuns often joined arm-to-arm with evangelicals the fight against abortion. Quote: “Thus the "softening" of the Pope on crucial social issues is disturbing.”

Church of Progressivism: One distressing element for Henley is in the parallels between President Obama and Pope Francis. Quote: “The similarity between the President and Pope should be no surprise since they are both members of the Church of Progressivism, which sometimes tramples the biblical foundations of what hundreds of millions consider the real Church, especially on sanctity of life, gender, marriage, and sexuality.”
True... a Catholic who goes protestant, it is grave... the evangelicals who are for us and not fighting the one true faith those are of concern.
Those examples I just gave below are good examples, and it is true that evangelicals not necessarily goes to hell, but they need the sacraments that only the Catholic Church has.
This is why one can never stop talking about catholicism... but also traditionals …More
True... a Catholic who goes protestant, it is grave... the evangelicals who are for us and not fighting the one true faith those are of concern.

Those examples I just gave below are good examples, and it is true that evangelicals not necessarily goes to hell, but they need the sacraments that only the Catholic Church has.

This is why one can never stop talking about catholicism... but also traditionals and a wannabe traditional like me needs to be humble like apostle Paul wanted.

My Jesus knows my heart, I don't live for anyone, I live to throw myself to His feet. Amen.
Ps Amarillo
I forgot to answer your last question: { One more question :is there a difference when Luther called popes ,,antichrists" and the way some sedavacantist do NOW???}
Nope not much of a difference!
Pretty disgusting talk from Catholics {so-called}.
That is the type of talk, that enemies of the Catholic faith JUST LOVE.
Enemies of the Bride of Christ just Troll Around the internet
looking …More
Ps Amarillo

I forgot to answer your last question: { One more question :is there a difference when Luther called popes ,,antichrists" and the way some sedavacantist do NOW???}

Nope not much of a difference!

Pretty disgusting talk from Catholics {so-called}.
That is the type of talk, that enemies of the Catholic faith JUST LOVE.
Enemies of the Bride of Christ just Troll Around the internet
looking for some catholic using these words {especially if they call themselves traditional}
{These folks troll around up here regularly}

They pounce on the moment and words {Like a Lion looking for someone to devour.} they use those words to Label all Trad Catholics as something wickedly ugly.
Ugly like Martin Luther {but the trolls like Martin Luther} No I am not calling you a Troll.

I DO NOT USE SUCH SPEECH,{ contained in your question} nor do I believe in it.
The Sedevacantist position is perhaps worse than the Protestant one.

A Protestant with good will, and the Grace of God may find their way to the Catholic Church.
A Sedevacantist has no home, and they have no Pope { Not a real one} they have to overcome not only their error , but their pride also.

They need prayers.
Hi Amarillo
well that's a whole bunch of stuff there. Not to sure where to begin, or if to begin?
I`ll start with;;The Catholic Church gave me the Holy Bible. I don`t find Catholics look suspicious at me when I read it.
You might want to look up the definition of a Heretic: That will explain with great Clarity, why a Catholic will call a Protestant a Heretic.
Martin Luther IS a Heretic
I will not …More
Hi Amarillo
well that's a whole bunch of stuff there. Not to sure where to begin, or if to begin?

I`ll start with;;The Catholic Church gave me the Holy Bible. I don`t find Catholics look suspicious at me when I read it.

You might want to look up the definition of a Heretic: That will explain with great Clarity, why a Catholic will call a Protestant a Heretic.

Martin Luther IS a Heretic

I will not call Martin Luther a Noble man, but you may if you like.
The 1st Catholic New Testament in English was published in 1582
Contained within the notes are many descriptions of the Heretics Viz. Martin Luther, Calvin , Beza and other famous Protesters..

The Good faithful Catholic men that distributed these New Testaments for the English Missions would Strongly disagree with your idea of Catholic identity.

I have read this New Testament with the attached notes........You are a long way from them.

Father Leo Haydock when he published his 1st Catholic Holy Bible in 1811 had in his notes to the Holy Bible that Martin Luther opened up the Pit of Hell to bring out all the old Heresies and married them with FAITH ALONE SAVES: {Paraphrase by memory}

I did not say they all go to Hell { Protestants}

I did say their position is Grave: Because it is! If they were once Catholic and now Protestant it is even more grave because they are now an APOSTATE

you write this { ' Faith is a gift...today I believed in Sacrament and next day I can be Luther too...Sola Scriptura..,,intolerable language" perhaps }

I don`t even begin to understand that?

You then ask about my glorious tradition: YES I AM SURE : My glorious tradition is a Living Faith. It is Apostolic Truth, It is the Holy Ghost, It is The Unspotted Bride of Christ . YES I AM SURE

You may search my comments on the Pope. I accept him as the Pope....I have not said otherwise.

Oh : by the way The Seat of Peter IS also my living apostolic tradition. YES I AM SURE

With respect to abusing the Sacraments : REJECTING them or if you like Protesting them is a grave abuse.

With respect to Catholics abusing them : God forbid, but Catholics do have the Sacrament of Confession...which Protestants reject..

Keep Praying.
I will Keep praying also.

May God grant us both, the Grace of final Perseverance.
rhemes 1582
,, It is helpful to be Catholic, and practice before you use Her words"
I was given Bible by protestants and really found my faith in Lord then..after losing it by getting rid of traditional catholic habbits and folklore practising that had nothing to do with God at all..
my experience is catholics look suspicious on you when you read Bible so pardon me but I simply dont get the way ,…More
rhemes 1582

,, It is helpful to be Catholic, and practice before you use Her words"
I was given Bible by protestants and really found my faith in Lord then..after losing it by getting rid of traditional catholic habbits and folklore practising that had nothing to do with God at all..
my experience is catholics look suspicious on you when you read Bible so pardon me but I simply dont get the way ,,we catholics "put protestants down as heretics.. 🤦

thanks that was so helpfull explaining protestantism as
To protest, in effect to reject a Divinely revealed teaching of the Holy Catholic Church.

and Martin Luther was a one recognized Scripture apart from his heresy,that came from pride or mental illnes perhaps..
he was noble man...seeking the truth...CATHOLIC like you and me...not agreeing with everything church teaches..
,,To Protest this Sacrament: {Protestant} is to separate oneself from the Living Branch. { The Body} Which begets death."

I almost Igree with this evil obsessed protestants ...they dont believe...ignorants ..they all go to hell???
what an attitude wow 🤒

Faith is a gift...today I believed in Sacrament and next day I can be Luther too...Sola Scriptura..,,intolerable language" perhaps 🤐

Are you sure tomorrow you wil believe in your glorious tradition???Does Sacrament reflect in you comments on pope perhaps???or is it condemning you receiving unworthy??
60 After hearing it, many of his followers said, 'This is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it?'
61 Jesus was aware that his followers were complaining about it and said, 'Does this disturb you?
62 What if you should see the Son of man ascend to where he was before?
63 'It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.
64 'But there are some of you who do not believe.' For Jesus knew from the outset who did not believe and who was to betray him.
65 He went on, 'This is why I told you that no one could come to me except by the gift of the Father.'
66 After this, many of his disciples went away and accompanied him no more.
67 Then Jesus said to the Twelve, 'What about you, do you want to go away too?'
68 Simon Peter answered, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life,

WORDS MEANS LIFE TOO...sacrament tends to be abused..synod shows many different variation of how Eucharist alone wont save no/one...if its abused...received unworthy..

One more question :is there a difference when Luther called popes ,,antichrists" and the way some sedavacantist do NOW???


Ratzinger is a gift for church and great admirer of Luther ..not Luther heretic of course..
I admire Paul ,Augustine, Mary Magdalene, not because of their sins... but of their conversion..their sainthood
Luther then and Wallace Henley now can be asset to Holy Catholic church..
not their heresy...their ,,sainthood" of course..like sedavacantists ,,sainthood"is such a big LOVE reflected in comments on pope Francis
what a SAINTHOOD on Gloria tv 🙄
Amarillo didn't formulate the question well, what she is trying to say is what Vatican II has stated.
Ratzinger before he was pope said in one of his books that someone from other religion could get saved under certain conditions, the most brightest example is when a hindu who doesn't know anything about the Catholic Church, but lives a live of goodness in front of the eyes of the Lord …More

Amarillo didn't formulate the question well, what she is trying to say is what Vatican II has stated.

Ratzinger before he was pope said in one of his books that someone from other religion could get saved under certain conditions, the most brightest example is when a hindu who doesn't know anything about the Catholic Church, but lives a live of goodness in front of the eyes of the Lord instead of being evil, that man can reach heaven, because of the Mystical Body of Christ which reaches beyond this world.

That is the same example Bishop Fellay used in an interview back in 2006, he used the very same example and it goes with the same Ratzinger said and Vatican II maintains. He said: "Outside of the Church there's no salvation, which is true, and it's because of the Catholic Church that this people who don't know the truth can get saved... through the mystical body, the Catholic Church." This is exactly what Marcel Lefebvre preach in his book "Against all heresies"

Michael Voris said it well in one of his vortexes, "Protestantism is a heresy but not necessarily their members are heretics, evangelicals can reach heaven."

What about those evangelicals who have died and given their lives and blood to the Gospel...

This is why some of us traditionalists have problems, we need to speak the truth and the beauty of Catholicism without condemning people to hell, Apostle Paul said although we have the truth we shouldn't be PROUD instead seek Humility.

So again, Amarillo seek the truth and believe the Gospel handed to you through the Catholic Church, the Sacraments will give you life and love our Lord more than life itself.

God bless.
You do not understand your own question.
A Pope cannot err when declaring a Divinely Revealed Truth from the Seat of Peter, with the express desire to bind and teach the faithful.
This would be to declare a truth always believed, not something new as Revelation ended with the death of the Last Apostle.
The last Infallible Declaration made by a Pope was the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed …More
You do not understand your own question.

A Pope cannot err when declaring a Divinely Revealed Truth from the Seat of Peter, with the express desire to bind and teach the faithful.
This would be to declare a truth always believed, not something new as Revelation ended with the death of the Last Apostle.

The last Infallible Declaration made by a Pope was the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. 1950

Before That was the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Both of which Protestants , Protest__Reject
Separates from the Body {the living vine} which begets death.


Question 1 YES
Question 2 NO

If you Truly love Christ The King
Please convert to the One true Faith.

The Holy Catholic Church.

ps. It is helpful to be Catholic, and practice before you use Her words. { Sedavacantist I doubt it 🙄 }
The word Protestant by definition: To protest, in effect to reject a Divinely revealed teaching of the Holy Catholic Church.
Viz . The Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. A Gift from God himself. Extremely Important.
To reject Him, and His gift, is very grave subject matter. To teach against Him is to assault Him.
To Protest this Sacrament: {Protestant} is to separate oneself from the Living Branch. …More
The word Protestant by definition: To protest, in effect to reject a Divinely revealed teaching of the Holy Catholic Church.
Viz . The Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. A Gift from God himself. Extremely Important.
To reject Him, and His gift, is very grave subject matter. To teach against Him is to assault Him.

To Protest this Sacrament: {Protestant} is to separate oneself from the Living Branch. { The Body} Which begets death.

So again:

Question 1 YES
Question 2 NO

ps. Martin Luther is an Arch Heretic.
Could four popes in a row go wrong with ecumenism???
,,,,The Protestant/Catholic divide in Germany lends an obvious ecumenical subtext to Benedict XVI’s trip.
As a German theologian, and a convinced Augustinian, Joseph Ratzinger has long admired the Protestant Reformer Martin Luther. In 1965, commenting on the documentGaudium et Spes from the final session of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65),…
Could four popes in a row go wrong with ecumenism???
,,,,The Protestant/Catholic divide in Germany lends an obvious ecumenical subtext to Benedict XVI’s trip.

As a German theologian, and a convinced Augustinian, Joseph Ratzinger has long admired the Protestant Reformer Martin Luther. In 1965, commenting on the documentGaudium et Spes from the final session of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), Ratzinger criticized the text for relying too much on the optimism of French Jesuit Teilhard de Chardin, and not enough on Luther’s consciousness of the Cross and of sin. (Note that Ratzinger was complaining that a Catholic document neglected the father of the Protestant Reformation; that alone says something about his ecumenical attitudes).""

answer to 1st question. YES
answer to 2nd question. NO
Honestly...does Lord distinguish between catholics or protestants???
Are we not all His body??
Dont you think ???
Joh 10,
,,16 And there are other sheep I have that are not of this fold, and I must lead these too. They too will listen to my voice, and there will be only one flock, one shepherd."
and like all of us, popes too need conversion and they view could be right..but some people say they …More
Honestly...does Lord distinguish between catholics or protestants???

Are we not all His body??
Dont you think ???
Joh 10,
,,16 And there are other sheep I have that are not of this fold, and I must lead these too. They too will listen to my voice, and there will be only one flock, one shepherd."

and like all of us, popes too need conversion and they view could be right..but some people say they are protestants...just by wanting to save noncatholic 👍
Many people are saved outside the Catholic Faith.
SOE: 24
No one can be saved outside the true Catholic Faith.
Pius IV, D. 1000


,,,,We Protestants don't have our own pope to negotiate a grand bargain with Francis, but if he's really the first Protestant pope, problem solved. All we Protestants and you Catholics need to do to start is pay attention to the times he's standing on our common ground and join him there.""

Rafael Robson Negrão
Quem sempre está com Jesus pode um dia ser uma Ovelha Perdida?
Se a resposta é nunca, jamais, então: O que é ser uma ovelha perdida, se somos batizados em Cristo Jesus, e estamos sempre com Ele?
Lucas 15,1-10.

Naquele tempo, os publicanos e os pecadores aproximavam-se de Jesus para O ouvirem.
Mas os fariseus e os doutores da Lei murmuravam entre si, dizendo:
«Este acolhe os pecadores e come com …More
Quem sempre está com Jesus pode um dia ser uma Ovelha Perdida?
Se a resposta é nunca, jamais, então: O que é ser uma ovelha perdida, se somos batizados em Cristo Jesus, e estamos sempre com Ele?
Lucas 15,1-10.

Naquele tempo, os publicanos e os pecadores aproximavam-se de Jesus para O ouvirem.
Mas os fariseus e os doutores da Lei murmuravam entre si, dizendo:
«Este acolhe os pecadores e come com eles.»
Jesus propôs-lhes, então, esta parábola:
«Qual é o homem dentre vós que, possuindo cem ovelhas e tendo perdido uma delas, não deixa as noventa e nove no deserto e vai à procura da que se tinha perdido, até a encontrar?
Ao encontrá-la, põe-na alegremente aos ombros
e, ao chegar a casa, convoca os amigos e vizinhos e diz-lhes:
'Alegrai-vos comigo, porque encontrei a minha ovelha perdida.'
Digo-vos Eu: Haverá mais alegria no Céu por um só pecador que se converte, do que por noventa e nove justos que não necessitam de conversão.»
«Ou qual é a mulher que, tendo dez dracmas, se perde uma, não acende a candeia, não varre a casa e não procura cuidadosamente até a encontrar?
E, ao encontrá-la, convoca as amigas e vizinhas e diz:
'Alegrai-vos comigo, porque encontrei a dracma perdida.'
Assim há alegria entre os anjos de Deus por um só pecador que se converte.»
«Alegrai-vos comigo, porque encontrei a minha ovelha perdida»
Perdi-me no deserto, errante andei pela erma região

Como na parábola da ovelha, uma do grupo das cem.

O Inimigo terrível dilacerou-a: De chagas incuráveis a cobriu;

Por isso, não há outro remédio para as chagas a não ser Tu, para as curá-las.

Em lágrimas Te suplico, meus gritos elevo ao Salvador:

Meu bom Pastor vindo do Céu, procura este pequeno rebanho.

Procura, Senhor, a moeda de prata caída que é a tua imagem perdida (Gn 1, 26),

Que enterrei no vício do pecado e na lama fétida.

Lava, Senhor, esta minha imundície; torna-me pura a alma, de uma brancura de neve (Is 1, 18).

Digna-Te completar o número das dez moedas, como o fizeste com os quarenta santos [de Sebaste].

Leva-me aos ombros, pois que aos ombros carregaste a cruz,

Digna-Te reerguer esta minh'alma caída;

Darás alegria à celeste armada dos anjos

por um só pecador que regresse.
Quarenta Santos de Sebaste: pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarenta_Mártir…
De acordo com São Basílio Magno, quarenta mártires que abertamente confessaram a Cristo foram condenados pelo superior à exposição, nus em um lago congelado perto de Sebaste em uma noite cruelmente fria, a fim de que morressem congelados.
Entre os condenados, um apostatou e, deixando seus companheiros, buscou um banho quente próximo ao local, previamente preparado para quem renegasse o Cristianismo.
Um dos guardas que vigiavam os mártires viu, neste momento, um brilho sobrenatural que encobria os condenados e proclamou a Cristo como seu Deus, despiu-se de suas vestes e juntou-se aos 39 restantes, completando, assim, o número dos 40 mártires.
Ao amanhecer, o corpo dos confessores da fé que ainda demonstravam sinais de vida foram queimados e as cinzas atiradas ao rio.
Os fiéis, contudo, recolheram esses preciosos restos e as relíquias foram distribuídas entre muitas cidades. Deste modo, a veneração aos 40 Mártires se disseminou e muitas igrejas foram erigidas em sua honra.
Os nomes dos 40 Mártires
O menáion da Igreja Ortodoxa Oriental lista seus nomes como se segue:
· Hesíquio, Melitão, Heráclio, Esmarado, Dono, Eunóico, Valente, Viviano, Cláudio, Prisco, Teodulo, Eutíquio, João, Xanteas, Heliano, Sisínio, Cirião, Angio, Écio, Flávio, Acácio, Ecdítio, Lisímaco, Alexandre, Elias, Cândido, Teófilo, Domiciano, Caio, Gorgônio, Leôncio, Atanásio, Cirilo, Sacerdão, Nicolau, Valério, Filoctimão, Severiano, Cudião e Aglaio.
De acordo com Antonio Borrelli, seus nomes são:
· Écio, Eutíquio, Círio, Teófilo, Sisínio, Esmarado, Cândido, Águia, Caio, Cúdio, Heráclio, João, Filotêmão, Gorgônio, Cirilo, Severiano, Teodulo, Nicalo, Flávio, Xantio, Valério, Esíquio, Eunóico, Domiciano, Domino, Heliano, Leôncio (Teoctisto), Valente, Acácio, Alexandre, Bicrácio (Bibiano), Prisco, Sacerdote, Ecdício, Atanásio, Lisímaco, Cláudio, Ile, Melitão e Eutíco (Aglaio).

Sendo assim: Somente há uma possibilidade de sermos ovelhas perdidas para Jesus:
Ao estabelecermos em nossas vidas, a desgraça do desamor ao próximo...
Fiel al Evangelio
The public revelation ended with the death of the last apostle=John for this reason. Even the writings of the Church Fathers are not considered part of the public revelation. So saying that we need to be open for novelties is a heresy that we need to condemn as anathema.
The Bible is clear no man or angel can teach us a different Gospel. The fact that Bergoglio is teaching a new gospel contrary to …More
The public revelation ended with the death of the last apostle=John for this reason. Even the writings of the Church Fathers are not considered part of the public revelation. So saying that we need to be open for novelties is a heresy that we need to condemn as anathema.
The Bible is clear no man or angel can teach us a different Gospel. The fact that Bergoglio is teaching a new gospel contrary to the Bible is not just a problem of his personal faith this is a problem against the principle that a heretic can not be a pope.
St. Thomas Cajetan, he points out that the famous axiom "Ubi Petrus, ibi Ecclesia" (Where the Pope is, there is also the Church) holds true only when the Pope acts and behaves as the Pope, because Peter "is subject to the duties of the Office" otherwise, "neither is the Church in him, nor is he in the Church."

2 John 1:9-10
9 Everyone who does not abide in the teaching of Christ, but goes beyond it, does not have God; whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 Do not receive into the house or welcome anyone who comes to you and does not bring this teaching.

St. Vincent of Lerins also warned us: "To announce, therefore, to Catholic Christians anything besides that which they have received has never been lawful, is lawful nowhere, and never will be lawful; and to anathematize those who announce anything besides that which has been once received has always been necessary. This being the case, is there anyone of such audacity as to teach other than that which has already been taught in the Church, or anyone of such levity as to receive anything besides that which he has once received from the Church? St. Paul, the teacher of the Gentiles, cries aloud, and he cries out loud again and again, to all men, to all times, and to all places that, if anyone announces a new dogma, let him be anathematized!"
St. Vincent of Lerins also said: "All novelty in faith is a sure mark of heresy."
Douglas Reis
În atenţia administratorului ,,Gloria TV". Nu înţeleg de ce mi se transferă postările de pe limba maghiară pe limba română. Am postat pe limba maghiară, imediat mi sa transferat la limba română. Pentru asta nici o problemă fiindcă liturgia se celebrează şi în limba română. Ulterior l-am postat iar la limba maghiară, după care iar a fost transferat la limba română. Aveţi vreo problemă cu limba maghiară …More
În atenţia administratorului ,,Gloria TV". Nu înţeleg de ce mi se transferă postările de pe limba maghiară pe limba română. Am postat pe limba maghiară, imediat mi sa transferat la limba română. Pentru asta nici o problemă fiindcă liturgia se celebrează şi în limba română. Ulterior l-am postat iar la limba maghiară, după care iar a fost transferat la limba română. Aveţi vreo problemă cu limba maghiară sau cu competenţa de a administrare?
The Church cannot depend on what a Pope believes or not. The Pope is a human being and therefore may have deficits in his faith. The Pope is not the Church. He is a servant of the faith not its master.
Fiel al Evangelio
Esto es una herejía que ha sido identificado en los escritos de Kasper y Hans Küng. Y ahora Francisco ha estado repitiendo esta herejía que niega la infalibilidad de la Iglesia, ya que ellos no creen que la Iglesia sea infalible y que la Iglesia ha recibido la revelación Divinas por medio de la palabra de Dios. Además, esta herejía busca reinterpretar la palabra de Dios y la adaptarla a nuestros …More
Esto es una herejía que ha sido identificado en los escritos de Kasper y Hans Küng. Y ahora Francisco ha estado repitiendo esta herejía que niega la infalibilidad de la Iglesia, ya que ellos no creen que la Iglesia sea infalible y que la Iglesia ha recibido la revelación Divinas por medio de la palabra de Dios. Además, esta herejía busca reinterpretar la palabra de Dios y la adaptarla a nuestros tiempos; esto muestra su contradicción con la Palabra de Dios.

Kasper incluso llama parábolas fábulas y vemos a Francisco repitiendo lo mismo:

Francisco le llama Parábola al Milagro de la Multiplicación de los Panes:

''La parábola de la multiplicación de los panes y los peces nos enseña justamente esto: que si existe voluntad lo que tenemos no termina e incluso sobra y no debe ser desechado.
Por lo tanto queridos hermanos y hermanas les invito hacer lugar en nuestro corazón a esta urgencia, respetando este derecho dado por Dios a todos de tener acceso a una alimentación adecuada. (Cf S.S. Francisco, 10 de diciembre de 2013, homilía en Santa Marta).

«No hay que pensar que el anuncio evangélico deba transmitirse siempre con determinadas fórmulas aprendidas, o con palabras precisas que expresen un contenido absolutamente invariable. » (Evangelii gaudium, §129 Francisco I

'No se deben temer los cambios en la Iglesia, porque el Evangelio “es novedad”. “Y por esto la Iglesia nos pide, a todos nosotros, algunos cambios. Nos pide que dejemos de lado las estructuras caducas: ¡no sirven! ”. El cristiano no debe ser “esclavo de tantas pequeñas leyes”, sino abrir el corazón al mandamiento nuevo del amor'', dijo Francisco en su homilía del 09-05-2014 .
Fiel al Evangelio
This is a heresy that has been identified in the writings of Kasper and Hans Küng. Now Francis has been repeating this heresy which denies the infallibility of the Church because they do not believe that the Church is infallible and that the Church has received divine revelations. Besides, this heresy seeks to reinterpret the word of God adapting the meaning with our present times which shows his …More
This is a heresy that has been identified in the writings of Kasper and Hans Küng. Now Francis has been repeating this heresy which denies the infallibility of the Church because they do not believe that the Church is infallible and that the Church has received divine revelations. Besides, this heresy seeks to reinterpret the word of God adapting the meaning with our present times which shows his contradiction to the Word of God. Kasper even calls parables fables.

Father Paul Kramer said on Facebook:
''Bergoglio does not believe in God in the proper sense of professing the dogmatically defined nature and attributes of God. No wonder that he says he doesn"t believe in a Catholic God. He really does not even believe in the God we profess in the Catholic creeds.
"On Heaven and Earth", Chapter 3 - "On Atheists" :
"We can say what God is not ... but we cannot say what He is. I would classify as arrogant those theologies that ... had the pretense of saying who He was"
Painfully: I think this is exactly what Pope Francis is looking for.
A Protestant {s} voice {s} in governing the Holy Catholic Church.
Gloria. TV
Great job bringing us the news!
I pray and hope that Catholics watching your honest brave Charity toward God, may be inspired to once again behave like Catholic Men and Catholic Ladies.
Cardinals : Bishops: Priests
Where is your voice?
Painfully: I think this is exactly what Pope Francis is looking for.
A Protestant {s} voice {s} in governing the Holy Catholic Church.

Gloria. TV
Great job bringing us the news!
I pray and hope that Catholics watching your honest brave Charity toward God, may be inspired to once again behave like Catholic Men and Catholic Ladies.

Cardinals : Bishops: Priests

Where is your voice?