Groundbreaking New Report Shatters LGBT Narrative. Share the video. Read the report.More
Groundbreaking New Report Shatters LGBT Narrative.

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I know this idea is a LONG WAY from being accepted by man as gospel but it's more proof that there is a GOD and that the BIBLE is HIS inspired message to us. You see GOD wouldn't design a baby creation system that created sinful babies. Remember, Jesus said that unless you become as innocent as a little child you can not enter the kingdom of GOD. So it stands to reason that babies created GOD'S …More

I know this idea is a LONG WAY from being accepted by man as gospel but it's more proof that there is a GOD and that the BIBLE is HIS inspired message to us. You see GOD wouldn't design a baby creation system that created sinful babies. Remember, Jesus said that unless you become as innocent as a little child you can not enter the kingdom of GOD. So it stands to reason that babies created GOD'S way are not going to be sinful. Lesbian and homosexual lifestyles are sinful.

However, babies created via IVF or some other manual means other than GOD'S way just might have problems that GOD wouldn't allow. Maybe that's the reason for the big push to encourage the acceptance of same sex relationships. It just might be that IVF or test tube babies are more likely to be lesbian, homosexual or unsure of their gender. This problem could become much worse as man experiments even more with DNA manipulation (like using more than two people's DNA to create a man made version of a baby).

This wouldn't be the first time that businesses kept secrets from the public in order to make money. So don't be surprised if down the road we learn that the medical industry already knew that experimenting with DNA and creating test tube babies might create mental problems like babies that are unsure of their gender. Thus creating the homosexual/lesbian problems that we're seeing today.

NOTHING MAN DOES WILL EVER BE AS PREFECT AS THE WAY GOD DESIGNED IT. Knock off babies are not the same as GOD created babies.

Chuck Lentine
(AKA GOD'S Cowboy)
(AKA Cowboy de Dios) 🧐